Debs poster


  • First battle of the Marne begins

    First battle of the Marne begins
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Heir to Austro-Hungarian throne) by Serbian Nationalist (Gavrillo Princip)

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Heir to Austro-Hungarian throne) by Serbian Nationalist (Gavrillo Princip)
  • Austria decared war on Serbia

    Austria decared war on Serbia
  • Russia begins to mobilise her armed forces. Austria-Hungarian troops invade Serbia.

    Russia begins to mobilise her armed forces. Austria-Hungarian troops invade Serbia.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
  • Germany invades Belgium

    Germany invades Belgium
  • U.S President Wilson appeals for neutrality

    U.S President Wilson appeals for neutrality
  • Germany invades France

    Germany invades France
  • First battle of Marne ends with the French winning causing the Germans to move towards Paris..leads up to stalemete

    First battle of Marne ends with the French winning causing the Germans to move towards Paris..leads up to stalemete
  • Turkey enters the war on Germanys side

    Turkey enters the war on Germanys side
    This was also the beginning of Trench Warfare
  • Britain blockades all of the German ports

    Britain blockades all of the German ports
  • Lusitania sunk by the German U-Boats

    Lusitania sunk by the German U-Boats
  • Woodrow Wilson is re-elected in the USA

    Woodrow Wilson is re-elected in the USA
    "He kept us out of the war"
  • The Zimmermann Telegram is passed to the US by Britain, detailing alleged German proposal of an alliance with Mexico against the US

    The Zimmermann Telegram is passed to the US by Britain, detailing alleged German proposal of an alliance with Mexico against the US
  • USA declares war with Germany

    USA declares war with Germany
  • Treaty of Versailles signed by Germans

    Treaty of Versailles signed by Germans
  • Germany signs armistice with allies

    Germany signs armistice with allies
    Causing the end of WWI