World War I, Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression

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    Nationalism was the pride that citizens had for their country, the idea that they would do anything for it. It also is the idea that one country is better than all of them. This lead to each country building their military, using the press, and doing things to lead positive attention to their country.
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    Imperialism was when a powerful country took over other weaker countries for the advantage of their resources. The military was a very important factor in imperialism. Germany had taken over Alsace-Lorraine after they defeated the French, which led to the resent that France had for Germany, adding to the tention between countries.
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    Militarism Around the World

    Militarism is the idea that a countries military makes them powerful. Prior to the WWI, around 19th century through the early 20th century, countries around the world, including Great Britain, the US, and Germany, were all preparing their military for a possible attack. The government was very heavily impacted by military officials, causing the possibility for negotiations low and the possibility of going straight to war very high.
  • The Triple Entente

    The Triple Entente
    The triple entente, or the allies, consisted of Great Britain, France, and Russia. Later in the war The United States and Italy, swithcing sides, joined. These allies fought agains the central powers in WW1. The alince meant that each country wi=oud go to war if one of their allies did. When Serbia was declared war on, Russia, being an ally, declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. This caused all of the allies Russia to also join.
  • The Central Powers

    The Central Powers
    The central powers were made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Italy, who later became an ally of France. Germany had informed Austria-Hungary, after the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, that they would support them if they decided to declare war on Serbia. When Austria-Hungary declared war, so did Germany, which cause a chain reaction when Russia declared war in honor of their alliance with Serbia.
  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinad

    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinad
    Serbian nationalists believed that Sarajevo was rightfully Serbia's. When Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, and wife, Sophie, visited Sarajevo in a motorcade, the nationalists decided that they would kill him. They had a whole plan and back up plans that all failed. Later they took a wrong turn, meeting Gavrilo Princip with a gun. Princip shot and killed both Ferdinand and his wife, sparking the start to World War I.
  • Germany Supports Austria-Hungary

    Germany Supports Austria-Hungary
    After the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, Austria-Hungary sent Serbia a letter saying that they need to take responsibility of the assassination and meet the demands they asked for and if they didn't comply they would declare war. Germany told the leader of Austria-Hungary that they would support whatever they decided to do. They offered a "Blank check" and support no matter what.
  • WWI Begins

    WWI Begins
    Due to the alliances of all the countries, when Austria-Hungary declared war, so did the allies of the country. Serbia asked for the help of Russia, followed by the Allies. Germany invaded Belgium, leading to Great Britain joining the war to defend the neutral country, who also later declared war on Germany. The US tried to stay neutral until Germany pushed its limits.
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    On its way to England, the Lusitania was sunk by a German U-Boat. The Germans thought that it was carrying weapons and ammunition to aid Great Britain. Along with the 1,900 people, 120 Americans were killed. The sinking of the Lusitania turned the public against Germany. Two years later the US entered the war
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    German U-boats continued sinking merchant ships two years after the Lusitania, even after they suspended submarine warfare. This angered the US and pushed them closer to the war.
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Zimmerman telegram
    The Zimmerman telegram was sent by Germany to Mexico asking Mexico to invade the US in return for land from the US. It was intercepted by British who handed it over to the US government. Even though Mexico had no intention of accepting, it pushed the US over the edge.
  • The United States Enters the War

    The United States Enters the War
    After news of the Zimmerman note, President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. The US entered on the side of its allies, Great Britain, France, and Russia. To get soldiers there was a draft where men over 18 had to serve for the military. The addition of more troops leads to the surrender of German forces. The US brought supplies, weapons, and manpower, making the Allies more powerful than ever.
  • End of WWI

    End of WWI
    At the end of the war, German troops were defeated and no longer willing to fight. Due to the advancements such as tanks and planes, it gave the allies an advantage along with the new troops and country. All that had to be figured out was what punishment Germany would get for leading the chaotic war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Signed in Paris, France, the Treaty of Versailles officially ended the war and gave Germany the reparations they deserved. The treaty established the League of Nations, proposed by Woodrow Wilson, even though the US did not take part in it. The treaty was negotiated by the allies. The treaty restricted Germans from building their military and navy and lead to the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France. The treaty only lasted until the rise of Hitler
  • The Rise of Hitler

    The Rise of Hitler
    From the end of World War I to the start of World War II, Hitler worked his way up the ladder of power in Germany. After the war people resented losing and wanted change and the economy dropped. Hitler took advantage of this and created the Nazi party. He began breaking laws set by the Treaty of Versailles and built up his Military and navy. He became a fascist leader. His ways of ruling and rule-breaking lead to the second devestatig World War.
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    The Great Depression

    After the stock market crash, the great depression was the Americas worst downfall in history that spread around the world. Many businesses closed along with banks. Many workers were put out of work.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black Tuesday became the day known to devestate American economy. The stock markets crashed, banks didn't have enough money to pay back. People began withdrawing their savings from