World War I Timeline Activity

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    A teen Serbian murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie.
  • Great War Begins

    Great War Begins
    World War I begins a month after the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand. It begins with Austria declaring war on Serbia. Things that lead to this world war was militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.
  • Kaiser Declares “Open Season” on Ships

    Kaiser Declares “Open Season” on Ships
    Kaiser Wilhelm makes a decision to declare the North Sea a war zone. This meant any merchant ships, even those from neutral countries could potentially be sunk.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    A german U-boat fired and sunk the British ship. It was on its way from New York to Liverpool, England. With there being 120 Americans on board, this was a significant play in considering if the United States would join the war.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Battle of Somme was one of the biggest battles during the Great War. It was a battle in France near the Somme River.
  • Wilson Re-elected

    Wilson Re-elected
    The 1916 election was between Woodrow Wilson and Charles Evans Hughes. Charles Hughes claimed Wilson didn't take action and make the right decisions necessary during the Great War. Although, the United States decided they wanted to remain neutral at the time. To express that, they chose to re-elect Woodrow Wilson.
  • Zimmermann Note Intercepted

    Zimmermann Note Intercepted
    Arthur Zimmermann sent a telegram to Mexico offering an alliance. In the telegram he mentions that Germany will gain back the territory that Mexico lost in past events. The United States intercepts the telegram. This telegram was an immediate cause for the United States joining the Allied Powers in World War I.
  • U.S. Declares War on Germany

    U.S. Declares War on Germany
    Due to the unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmermann note, Woodrow Wilson decides to declare war on Germany.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    The Selective Service Act grants the president the power to draft soldiers.
  • Convoy System

    Convoy System
    The Convoy System is ships traveling in groups for protection over each other.
  • Espionage Age Passed

    Espionage Age Passed
    The Espionage Age was an act passed that made it a crime for anyone to share information that went against the United State's armed forces prosecution of the war events or to promote the success of opposing countries.
  • Russia pulls out of the war

    Russia pulls out of the war
    Russia pulls out of the war due to a revolution. Russia was too weak to fight in the war any longer.
  • Flu Epidemic

    Flu Epidemic
    The flu was a virus that killed more people than World War I.
  • Fourteen Points Speech

    Fourteen Points Speech
    This was a speech given by U.S. president Woodrow Wilson. This speech were statements for world peace to end world war one.
  • Sedition Act Passed

    Sedition Act Passed
    This was an act passed that gave punishment to anyone found "guilty of making false statements that interfered with the prosecution of the war; insulting or abusing the U.S. government, the flag, the Constitution or the military; agitating against the production of necessary war materials; or advocating, teaching or defending any of these acts."
  • Germany Signs Armistice

    Germany Signs Armistice
    This was an agreement to stop fighting the war between France, Britain, and Germany