Royal irish rifles in a trench in the battle of the somme during world war i

World War I Timeline

  • Franz Ferdinand Assassination

    Franz Ferdinand Assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated while visiting Sarajevo, and was shot and killed by Gavrilo Princip
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War On Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Declares War On Serbia
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia because Serbia refused the list of demands that Austria-Hungary gave them after Gavrilo Princip killed the Archduke.
  • First Use of Gas as a Weapon by the Germans

    First Use of Gas as a Weapon by the Germans
    The Germans used poison gas first in April 1915, and it could kill or seriously injure anyone who breathed it. Other countries started using it too, and gas masks became a must-have in the battlefield.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    A German U-Boat torpedoed a British passenger ship called the Lusitania off the coast of Ireland. More than 1,000 people died, and 128 of them were American citizens. Later, it was learned it was carrying war materials.
  • Wilson Reelected and Pledges American Neutrality

    Wilson Reelected and Pledges American Neutrality
    Wilson won the election. "He [Wilson] Kept Us Out of War" became the Democrats' campaign slogan in 1916. Although, Wilson only narrowly defeated the Republican candidate, Charles Hughes. Wilson still hoped to stay out of the war.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    The British intercepted a telegram sent by the German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmerman, and the telegram was headed to Mexico. It offered Mexico an alliance with Germany in case the US entered the war. It angered many Americans and led anti-German feeling in the US.
  • US Declares War

    US Declares War
    Wilson finally decided the US could no longer remain neutral. He asked Congress for a declaration of war against Germany, and after some debate, Congress said they have to defend their rights in order to remain a world power. Wilson signed the declaration in April 6.
  • Bolsheviks Led By Vlad Lenin Overthrow Russian Government

    Bolsheviks Led By Vlad Lenin Overthrow Russian Government
    In March 1917, Russia had a revolution removing the Czar and making a new government. It was not effective, however, and riots broke out against them and their handling of the war. The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, overthrew this one and set up a Communist government. The second revolution finally ended around Nov. 7- 8, with the Bolsheviks overthrowing the new government's leader.
  • War Ends

    War Ends
    After the German government asked Wilson to an armistice, he agreed, but he had some demands. On November 8, 1918, the German kaiser stepped down and on the 9th, Germany became a republic. On November 11, 1918, on the 11th hour, Germany agreed to Wilson's demands and the armistice. November 11th was called Armistice Day, and now Veterans Day.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    The Allies and Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Under its terms, Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war, and it had to pay the Allies billions of dollars. It also had to give up its weapons and give up its colonies and some territory in Europe. The treaty also made countries out of some land from Austria-Hungary and Russia, and gave territory back. It created some new nations and restored old ones.