World War I Timeline

  • (EU) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    (EU) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On this day, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed by a Black Hand member in Serbia. This event sparks World War I.
  • (EU) Germany invades - declares war on France

    (EU) Germany invades - declares war on France
    Two days after declaring war on Russia, Germany declares war on France because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • (EU) Britain declares war on Germany

    (EU) Britain declares war on Germany
    With Germany invading Belgium, Belgium having ports close to Britain, having Germany in control of Belgium would have been seen as a serious threat to the British.
  • (US) President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality

    (US) President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality
    Germany sunk the William Frye which is an American Vessel that sent grain to England. Wilson was mad at Germany, and Germany tried to apologize saying it was a mistake. But Germany sinks 4 more U.S merchant ships.
  • (US) Sinking of Lusitania

    (US) Sinking of Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a ship sailing from New York to Liverpool. But a German U-Boat shot a torpedo at the ship and at least 20,000 people died on the ship. 128 people were US Citizens.
  • (EU) The Battle of Somme (First Use of Tanks)

    (EU) The Battle of Somme (First Use of Tanks)
    On September 15, 1916, the first tanks were used in The Battle of Somme. The British needed to break though the Germans line in France, doing so by using their tanks.
  • (US) Woodrow Wilson elected for President 1916

    (US) Woodrow Wilson elected for President 1916
    Incumbent Democratic President Woodrow Wilson defeated Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes, the Republican candidate.
  • (EU) The Battle of Verdun

    (EU) The Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle in World War 1. French casualties were about 400,000, Germany was about 350,000. But about 300,000 were killed.
  • (US) The US receives the Zimmerman Note

    (US) The US receives the Zimmerman Note
    The British decoded a German code in January 1917. They handed it to February 1917, and it was across the United states in March.
  • (US) Wilson asks for Declaration of War

    (US) Wilson asks for Declaration of War
    After receiving the decoded telegram, Wilson asks congress to declare war against Germany and Central Powers.
  • (US) The United States Declares War/ Congress Votes to Declare War

    (US) The United States Declares War/ Congress Votes to Declare War
    On August 17, 2917, congress votes and agrees to declare war on the Central power with the votes of 8 to 1.
  • (EU) Russia signs armistice with Germany

    (EU) Russia signs armistice with Germany
    There was many riots in Russia. A man named Lenin, focused on Communism, and was successful. But he also wanted to pull Russia out of the war, so he signed a treaty with Germany.
  • (US) President Woodrow Wilson presents to Congress the Fourteen Points

    (US) President Woodrow Wilson presents to Congress the Fourteen Points
    The Fourteen Points were statements of principles of peace to try and end the war. The principles were outlined on this day.
  • (US) Spanish Influenza

    (US) Spanish Influenza
    The 1918 influenza pandemic was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus.
  • (EU) Armistice

    (EU) Armistice
    The German government approached the United States with a request for an armistice. They hoped that this would be based on the 'Fourteen Points' laid down in January 1918 by US President Woodrow Wilson as a foundation for 'peace without victory'. By October however, with their troops bloodily engaged on the Western Front, American attitudes had hardened.