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Franco-Prussian War
The accession of Wilhelm II to the German Throne
France and Russia formed an alliance with each other
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Manfred Von Richthofen (The Red Baron) was a German fighter pilot with the imperial German Army Air Service during World War I.
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Kiffin Rockwell was an early aviator and the first American pilot to shoot down an enemy aircraft in World War I
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Last American Casuality: Henry Gunther
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Russo-Japanese War
The Entente Cordiale was signed
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The Tangier Crisis (First Moroccan Crisis)
Britian entered into an alliance with Russia
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The Bpsnian Annexation Crisis
The Agadir Crisis ( The Second Moroccan Crisis)
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Italo-urkish War
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Balkan Wars
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Unrestricted SUbmarine Warfare
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The Chemical Weapons
Chemical Weapons is a device that uses chemical formulated to inflict death or harm on human beings. -
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economics cost of the Allied and Central Powers
Total Costs of the Allied Powers: 125,690,477,000
Total costs of the Central Powers: 60,643,160,000 -
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The Western Front
The Western Front was the name appliedthe fighting zone in France and Flanders, where the British, French, Belgian and the American armies faced that of Germany -
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The War AtSea
Great Britain had 29 capital ships ready and 13 under construction,and Germany had 18 and 9 were the two great rival sea powers. There was no real decisive clash between battle fleets in World War I. The STruggle for supremacy between German U-Boats and British merchant ships was much more significant. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Austria-Hungary presented an ultimatum to Serbia
Austria-Hungary declares War On Sea
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Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare was a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other. -
The SInking og the Lusitania
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A total of 1.4 million tons of allied shipping was lost to the U-Boats.
The zimmermann telegram
The Russian Revolution
The entry into World War I
Americans Contributions:Naval Strategy, American Strategy, and American supplies
Wilson's 14 Points
A statement goven by the president, Woodrow WIlson declaring that World War I is being fought for a moral cause and calling for postwar peace in Europe -
Date and time of the Armistice
November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m. that morning -
Conditions of Armistice
the explosion from a German U-Boat attack shook the Outer Banks village of Avon.