World War I Timeline

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    On June 28, 1914 Franz Ferdinand and Sophie were touring Sarajevo in an open car, with surprisingly little security, when Serbian nationalist Nedjelko Cabrinovic threw a bomb at their car; it rolled of the back of the vehicle and wounded an officer and some bystanders.
  • Great War begins

    Great War begins
    The trigger for the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
  • Kaiser declares "open season" on ships

    Kaiser declares "open season" on ships
    Proclaimed that the North Sea was a war zone
  • Lusitania sank

    Lusitania sank
    The sinking of the Cunard ocean liner RMS Lusitania occurred on Friday May 7 1915 during the First World War, as Germany waged submarine warfare against the United Kingdom which had implemented a naval blockade of Germany
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Battle of the Somme also known as the Somme Offensive, was a battle of the First World War fought by the armies of the British and French empires against the German Empire
  • Wilson re-elected

    Wilson re-elected
    Wilson won against Charles Evans Hughes in the 1916 election
  • Zimmerman note intercepted

    Zimmerman note intercepted
    A note sent from Germany to Mexico trying to get them to Ally with Germany
  • US declares war on Germany

    US declares war on Germany
    The US declared war on Germany because of their use of unrestricted submarines warfare and also of the Zimmerman Note
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    It authorized the United States federal government to raise a national army for service in World War I through conscription.
  • Convoy system

    Convoy system
    Ships would sail together for protection and security
  • Espionage Age passed

    Espionage Age passed
    Made it a crime for any person to convey information intended to interfere with the U.S. armed forces prosecution of the war effort or to promote the success of the country’s enemies.
  • Flu Epidemic

    Flu Epidemic
    1918; an unusually deadly influenza epidemic
  • Fourteen Points speech

    Fourteen Points speech
    The Fourteen Points was a statement of principles for world peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I
  • Russia pulls out of the war

    Russia pulls out of the war
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty signed on March 3rd 1918 between the new Bolshevik government of Soviet Russia and the Central Powers that ended Russia's participation in World War 1
  • Sedition Act passed

    Sedition Act passed
    Extended the espionage act by nobility speech and expression of opinion
  • Germany signs armistice

    Germany signs armistice
    The agreement that ended the fighting on the Western Front.