World War I Timeline

  • Apr 26, 600

    6. Sinking of the British Liner Lusitania

  • Apr 26, 700

    7. Sinking of British liner Arabic

  • Apr 26, 800

    8. Sinking of French passenger liner Sussex

  • Apr 26, 900

    9. Zimmermann Note

  • Apr 26, 1000

    10. Selective Service Act of 1917

  • Apr 26, 1100

    11. Convoy System

  • Apr 26, 1200

    12. Second Battle of the Marne

  • Apr 26, 1300

    13. Austria- Hungary surrenders to the Allies

  • Apr 26, 1400

    14. Establishment of the German Republic

  • Apr 26, 1500

    15. Cease-fire and armistice

  • 16. War Industries Board

  • 17. National War Labor Board

  • 18. Food Administration

  • 19. Committee on Public Information

  • Allies

    The Triple Entente.

    France, Britain, and Russia.
  • 2. Central Powers

    The Triple Alliance.*

    Germany, Austria- Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

    *Note: The Triple Alliance includes Italy in place of the Ottoman Empire.
  • 3. 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the terrorist/Serbian nationalist organisation "The Black Hand". A comedy of errors which included incompetent assassins, an expired cyanide pill, and wrong directions.
  • 4. Schlieffen Plan

    A holding action against Russia, a quick drive through Belgium at Paris; after France falls, an attack against Russia with the two German armies.
  • 5. Battle of the Somme

    Lasted until mid- November.

    On the first day alone, the British army suffered over 60.000 casualties.

    Final casualties totaled around 1.2 million.

    Only about seven miles of ground changed hands.
  • 20. Espionage and Sedition Acts