The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The murder of the Archduke of Austria and his wife leads to an outburst of war between Serbia and Austria-Hungary. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
The official start of WWI after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. -
The Marne
Battle on the Western Front including the French army and British Expeditionary force against the German western army. The battle was a costly Allied victory after three days of fighting in France. -
The First Trenches are Built on the Western Front
A new form of fighting was created in WWI. Trenches could be dug in the ground as a barrier and fortress for armies. However, excessive rain could lead to flooding of the trenches, which created many health problems for soldiers. -
The Lusitania is Sunk
Germany declared "unrestricted submarine warfare." The Lusitania is sunk by a German U-boat which kills 1000, including 130 Americans. -
First use of Mustard gas
Germany introduced a lethal chlorine gas to warfare which was considered a major weapon to the Allied soldiers. -
The Verdum
The largest and longest battle on the Western Front all throughout 1916 between German and French armies. -
The Somme
Battle on the Western Front with over 1 million casualties, which was fought from July through November on both sides of the Somme river in France. The battle included the armies of the British Empire and France against the German Empire. -
Zimmerman Telegraph is sent
A secret message intended for Mexico from Germany,which was intercepted by British intelligence. The United States found out that Germany wanted Mexico to declare war on us. In return, they would receive the lost territory after victory. This caused an outrage in America, which led to us entering the war. -
US Congress declares war on Germany
Woodrow Wilson- Fourteen Points Speech
Woodrow Wilson's plan for lasting peace, which included open diplomacy, adjustment of colonial claims, and freedom of the seas. -
Treaty of Versailles is signed
Germany is forced to accept full responsibility for the war. They also have to weaken their army, pay reparation to Allied powers, and lose all their territories.