World War I Timeline

  • (EU) Bosnian Crisis

    (EU) Bosnian Crisis
    In 1908, it led to a controversy between the Dual Monarchy and Turkey. It also led to international problems which for several weeks early in 1909 threatened to end in a general European war.
  • (EU) Archduke Franz Ferdinand Shot in Sarajevo

    (EU) Archduke Franz Ferdinand Shot in Sarajevo
    On this day, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was shot by Gavrilo Princip. This event is often considered the spark for World War 1, which would grow because of entangling alliances.
  • (EU) Russia Mobilizes

    (EU) Russia Mobilizes
    Russia mobilizes its vast army to intervene against Austria-Hungary in favor of its ally, Serbia. This move starts a chain reaction between allies.
  • (EU) Germany Declares War on France

    (EU) Germany Declares War on France
    Germany both declares war and invades Belgium. They declared war because of their allies Austria-Hungary, and the assassination of there Arch-Duke.
  • (EU) Britain Declares War on Germany

    (EU) Britain Declares War on Germany
    As Germany invaded Belgium, close to the British's posts, which could be a huge threat so Britain gave Germany an ultimatum to leave Belgium alone. Germany ignored, and Britain declared war as Germany continued to fight France through Belgium.
  • (EU) Sinking of the Lusitania

    (EU) Sinking of the Lusitania
    The sinking indirectly contributed to the entry of the US into World War I. Germany had broken Naval Rules, as they had attacked a boat with citizens. It changed how Germany was seen by all the countries.
  • (US) Wilson Reelected

    (US) Wilson Reelected
    In Wilson's Campaign he had used the slogans "He kept us out of war" and "America First" to appeal those who wanted to avoid a war with Europe and Mexico. He wanted to create peace settlements in Europe, to help maintain US neutrality
  • America Enters the War / Congress votes for declaration of war

    America Enters the War / Congress votes for declaration of war
    The declaration was approved 82 to 6 on April 4; approved by the House of Representatives on April 6 by a vote of 373 to 50, and later in December of 1917 Wilson requested and Congress approved, war against Austria Hungary. The entrance of the US was ultimately a turning point in the war as it led to the eventual defeat of Germany.
  • (US) (EU) Zimmerman Note

    (US) (EU) Zimmerman Note
    German secretary, Zimmerman had sent a code to Mexico. It was intercepted by the British, and later decoded. It was kept for about a month tl given to the US. IT had stated that Mexico should attack the US (secretly) with the British.
  • (US) Wilson asks for Declaration of War

    (US) Wilson asks for Declaration of War
    Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany, saying, “The world must be made safe for democracy.” Four days later, Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of a war declaration.
  • (US) Congress passes the Espionage Acts

    (US) Congress passes the Espionage Acts
    Just two months after the US entered World War 1, Congress adopted the Espionage Acts. It put limits onto the first amendment of the citizens. The purpose of the Espionage Act was to prohibit interference with military operations, to ban support of U.S. enemies during wartime or to promote insubordination in the military.
  • (EU) Christmas Truce

    (EU) Christmas Truce
    It was a series of widespread unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front of World War I around Christmas 1914. The truce occurred during the relatively early period of the war
  • (EU & US) Spanish Influenza

    (EU & US) Spanish Influenza
    It was an influenza pandemic that was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic that infected 500 million people all over the world. Even some in islands and in the Arctic.
  • (EU) Germany and Russia Peace

    (EU) Germany and Russia Peace
    The Germans sign a peace treaty with the new Bolshevik government of Russia. It gave Germany huge tracts of land that had been Ukraine and Poland. It causes serious problems for the French, British, and Americans.
  • (EU) Armistice

    (EU) Armistice
    The armistice was a truce/agreement between two fighting countries to stop fighting for a period of time, that was signed at Le Francport near Compiègne that ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I between the Allies and their opponent, Germany. It was the beginning of some of the endings of wars in Europe