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World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression
The Age of Imperialism
The Age of Imperialism was a time when powerful nations would control and exploit their colonies. European countries dominated Africa and Asia with strong military force. This caused increased competition among nations and disrupted world peace in 1914. -
Dual Alliance
This was a binding military alliance formed between Germany and Austria-Hungary. They agreed to support each other if one was attacked by Russia. Bismark was the architect of the treaty to provide Germany with alliances. -
Militarism is a system that places great importance on military power so governments would be strongly influenced by military leaders. These military leaders would influence domestic policy and increase spending on military weapons. By 1914 Germany had increased their army and navy dramatically. As a consquence European governments increased their military spending. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and His Wife, Sophie
The Archduke and his wife were traveling to Sarajevo where they were assassinated. Austria-Hungray blamed the Serbian government for the attack. Austia asked for assurances that Gernany would step in on its side against Russia. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and the fragile peace between Europe collapsed. -
Nationalism places the interests of ones own country over the interests of any other country. Nationalism propoganda ensured that one country's citizens believed they were the best and other countries were a threat. -
Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
The Kaiser's pledge was also referred to as Carte Blanche. Blank check marked a huge moment that lead to many outbreaks of the First World War. Germany promised to help Austria-Hungary after the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Germany pledged their unconditional support if Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia. -
World War I Begins
On July 28th Austria declared war on Serbia, but WWI actually began when Germany declared war on France. On August 3rd Germany blamed France for entering their territory. Germany took over Belgium which caused England to enter the war. By August 18th Germany had taken over all of Belgium which lead to the attack on France. By August 25th France was defeated. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
A German boat torpedoed and sank the RMS Lusitania. More than 1,900 passengers were on board. Less then 800 passengers survived the attack. This attack outraged American citizens and many citizens called for war upon Germany. -
Zimmerman Telegram
A secret telegram from Germany to Mexico was sent. It said that Mexico should go to war with the U.S. and reclaim lost land for the Mexican-American war. Germany wanted to make an alliance with Mexico and this angered America. -
Germany's Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
U.S. president Woodrow Wilson demanded that Germany would restrict submarine warfare. This demand was due to a string of German attacks on merchant ships which lead to the death of nonmilitary citizens. Germany pleged on May 16th 1916 to stop the sinking of nonmilitary ships. On Febuary 1 1917 Germany announed that it would contuine submarine warfare. This caused the United States to enter WWI on April 6, 1917. -
US Entry into the War and US Impact
The U.S. joined its allies- Britian, France, and Russia- to fight in World War I. The US joined the war because German submarines sank American ships. The US impacted WW1 by tipping the balance of power in favor of the allies because the US provided additional firepower, resources, and soldiers. -
Rise of Hitler
Hitler fought in World War I. Hitler came across many tragic days and nights. By the end of the war he was depressed and angry. He would burst into angry tangets yelling about the "Invisible foes of the German people". Once the war had offically ended Hitler returned home to carry out his mission of solving German politics. -
Treaty Of Versailles
The treaty is signed by Germany and World War 1 comes to an end. It effected the German people negatively. They lost land and money, their army was taking away from them and they had to take blame for starting the war. -
Effects of World War 1
The aftermath of World War 1 was devistating to most.There was over one million deaths and over 100,000 injuries. The former empire of Austia-Hungary was dissolved and new nations, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, where created. The Ottoman Turks had giving up much of their land in Southwest Asia. Europe retained only the country of Turkey. -
Dawes Plan and Young Plan
The Dawes plan was a result of negotiations between Germany and the US government.
The agreement removed French and Belgium troops from the Ruhr. It restructured payments Germany owed due to the Treaty of Versailles. Weimar's national bank was restructured. The Young Plan was formed in 1929 to support the government of Weimar Germany. It reduced Germany's payments. It reduced reparations to 112 billion gold Marks. -
The Great Depression
This date is also called black Tuesday which is when the stockmarket crashed. Two months after the orginal crash stockholders lost more than $40 billion dollars. The stockmarket crash is only one of the causes of the Great Depression. Another cause was that banks failed so citizens lost their savings. People were unable to buy items which caused a reduction in the workforce so people lost their jobs. Many farms were lost due to drought conditions which left people homeless.