During this time, machine guns became more popular than swords. Because of military advances in powerful countries, there was a race to claim the smaller and defenseless countries. Countries began to dominate other countries and they competed for land. -
Nationalism is a strong sense of pride in one's nation. Nationalism existed in both wars, especially in WWII. -
Militarism is when the military expands and becomes more revolutionized. Militarism has always been around. It started in the US when on February 2, when they expanded their troops from 24,000 to 60,000 men. -
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and His Wife Sophie Assassinated
The war technically started when the Archduke was assassinated by a member of the Black Hand, Gavrillo Princep. Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum which was partially rejected. Austria-Hungary then declared war. -
Germany Sends Austria a Blank Check
Germany gave Austria full assurance that they will back them up if Russia steps into the war. -
WWI Begins
WWI started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. Because Russia was allied with Serbia, they were dragged into the war. Germany declares war on Russia as well as France because of their alliance with Austria-Hungary. Germany then invaded neutral Belgium. That caused Great Britain to declare war on Germany. -
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This was the first war that all the major powers were involved in. Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. The US was allied with Britain, France, Russia, and Italy. The allies won. -
Lusitania Sank
Germany sank Lusitania and ended up killing 119 people, 114 of which were Americans. They thought it carried contraband. This played a key factor in the US's entry into the war. -
Allies Restricts German's Submarine Warfare
After the sinking of Lusitania, the Allies order Germany to stop its unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany seized for some time but later resumed. -
Germany Resumes Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Germany had ceased their unrestricted submarine warfare for a time but resumed their warfare to scare America. Instead, it provoked the US into entering the war. -
Zimmerman Telegram
Germany sent Mexico a telegram that the US intercepted. In the telegram, it said that if the US entered the war, then Mexico should attack the US and regain its territory. -
US Enters WWI
The US entered the war mainly because of the Zimmerman Note and the sinking of Lusitania. They sent thousands of troops a day and this aided the Allied victory. The germans could not keep up. -
Finland Founded
Finland gained its independence from Germany after the war ended. -
Poland Founded
Germany's took over Poland during the war. After the war ended, Poland gained its independence from Germany's rule. -
Yugoslavia Founded
Yugoslavia gained independecnce from Germany after the war. -
Lithuania Founded
The war ended and Lithuania was founded. -
Estonia Founded
The war ended and the land was divided. Estonia was founded. -
Czechoslovakia Founded
After the war, the land was divided and Czechoslovakia was founded. -
Latvia Founded
The war ended and Latvia was founded. -
Austria Founded
After the war ended, the land Germany gained was divided and Austria seperated from Hungary and became independent. -
Treaty of Versailles
The treaty was between Germany and the Allies. In the treaty, it stated that Germany would pay reparations, give back gained land, and downsize its military. They also claimed the war guilt in saying that this was their fault. This fueled anger in the German's heart and became a fuel for WWII. -
Hungary Founded
Hungary separated from Austria after the war. -
Hitler Becomes the Leader of the Sturmabteilung Party
Hitler slowly started to gain power when he went from party to party. He was a big leader in the youth outreach and then he became the leader of the Sturmabteilung Party. He was known for his crowd moving speeches and powerful determination. -
Dawes Plan
The Dawes plan gave Germany economic benefits, lessening the effect of the war reparations. The plan also brought a rise in foreign investments on the market. But when America went into the Great Depression, Germany also suffered. -
Young Plan
The Young plan was an attempt to support Germany though the reparations, lessening the amount that Germany had to pay each year. -
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Great Depression
The depression started when the stock market crashed. One reason why was because of credit loans. People borrowed money because they thought the economy was strong.