World War I / Russian Revolution Timeline Project

  • France loses Alsace and Lorraine to Germany

    France loses Alsace and Lorraine to Germany
    France lost Alsace and Lorraine to Germany in the Franco-Prussian war.
  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War

    Russia wanted to dominate korea and Manchuria, but Japan was not going to allow them to take it. Japan ends up winning the war.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    The slaughter of people in St Petersburg, Russia. People were shot at as the soldiers marched.
  • Austria-Hungary Annexes Bosnia

    Austria-Hungary Annexes Bosnia
    Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia, a province in the Balkan region. They had wanted Bosnia for a while now.
  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The heir to the Hungarian Empire was assasinated by a member of the Black Hand. His name was Gavrilo Princip.
  • Austria-Hungary Decares War on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Decares War on Serbia
    After the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Hungarian empire. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • Russia Moblizes Army

    Russia Moblizes Army
    This was a main cause of WWI. When Russia heard that Germany declared war on France, Germany got ready for war.
  • Germany Invades Belgium

    Germany Invades Belgium
    Germans sent a message to Belgium saying that they needed to grant free passage and it was refused. Because of this, Germany invaded.
  • Schlieffen Plan put into action

    Schlieffen Plan put into action
    This was a plan to attack France. Troops were mobilized near the German border. This plan led to Britian declaring war on Germany.
  • Start of the Battle of Marne

    Start of the Battle of Marne
    A battle between France and Germany. The Germans were going to attack Paris.
  • Start of the Battle of Verdun

    Start of the Battle of Verdun
    A huge German attack on France. They were trying to get a piece of land.
  • Start of the Battle of Somme

    Start of the  Battle of Somme
    First world war fought by the British and the French against the German Empire.
  • Fourteen points proposed

    Fourteen points proposed
    The Fourteen Points was put into place by Woodrow Wilson. This was a blueprint for peace. This was put into place after WWI.
  • Zimmerman Telegram Found

    Zimmerman Telegram Found
    A message sent from the Germans to the Mexicans. This message asked Mexico if they wanted to form an alliance with Germany.
  • Russian Czar Nicholas II Abdicates

    Russian Czar Nicholas II Abdicates
    He is forced to abdicate and in his place, a government was installed.
  • U.S Enters World war I

    U.S Enters World war I
    The U.S enters the world after the sinking of the Luisitania. They were ready to go to war after that.
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

    This war tore Russia apart. There was all different kinds of groups among Russia.
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    October Revolution

  • Russia Signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Russia Signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    A city in Belarus. Russia signs a treaty with the central powers that ended their participation with WWI.
  • Armistice Signed

    Armistice Signed
    World War I ends. They all sign a treaty to end the war.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II Abdicates

    Kaiser Wilhelm II Abdicates
    He was a very brash military leader and people didn't want him anymore. He was forced to abdicate.
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Treaty of Versailles signed
    It was a peace treaty put into place after WWI. it ended the tension between Germany and the allied powers.
  • Stalin takes over Russia

    Stalin takes over Russia
    He took over after Lenin died. Stalin kept rising in power and then eventually takes over Russia.