Kaiser declares "open season" on ships
Kaiser says any ship can be fired on. -
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Franz ferdinand is shot during a parade. -
Great war begins
The great war begins in europe. -
Lusitania sank
U.S. passenger ship sank due to "open season". -
Battle of Somme
Battle of Somme will go one for several months. -
Wilson re-elected
U.S. president re-elected to office. -
Zimmerman note intercepted
U.S. intercepts messages from Germany. -
U.S. declares war on Germany
United States joins the great war against Germany. -
Selective Service Act
The selective service act is passed. -
convoy system introduced.
The british naval convoy system is created. -
Espionage Act passed
The espionage act is passed as a federal law. -
Russia pulls out of the war.
Russia decides to leave the great war. -
Flu epidemic
The flu epidemic killed more people than the great war. -
Fourteen Points speech given
President Wilson gives speech about world peace. -
Sedition act
The sedition act is passed. -
Germany signs armistice
Germany signs a treaty with the countries.