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World War I

  • Assasination if archduke Francis Ferdinand

    Assasination if archduke Francis Ferdinand
    Renel gavrilo was the assssin.the Austrian Hungarian emperor blamed Serbia for death of his nephew one month later declared war on Serbia despite having no proof
  • Countries declared war on other countries

    Countries declared war on other countries
    Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia which started a chain reaction. Saves European nations were at war and they were called central powers and allied powers . I spread into Europe ,africa , Asia.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    The German u boat fired a torpedo and hit Lusitania and killed 1,200 people and 128 were Americans president Wilson sent a letter of protests to Germany. it was becoming more difficult for the United States to remain neutral, because people don’t like Germany
  • The US declared war

    The US declared war
    The us declared war to Germany. Many others volunteered their time in others ways to support the war effort .people started working longer hours to help increase the factory output . Other women joined the armed forces as nurses and office workers.the government helped by increasing taxes and sold bonds to raise money for the war
  • World War 1 Ends

    World War 1 Ends
    in several battles in Europe more than two million Americans soldiers under General John Pershing upsets the German stronghold. The Germans realized they could not win the war. The fighting stopped while both sides prepared to discuss how to end they war.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    The purpose of the conference was to discuss and write a peace treaty that was acceptable to all nations that fought in the war. president Wilson could not believe the treaty did not provide the peace he wanted . it blamed Germany for starting the war an forced Germany to pay a huge amount of money for the damages from the war.
  • Congress Rejects Treaty of Versailles

    Congress Rejects Treaty of Versailles
    the republicans did not like the idea of a league of nations. league of nations agreed to protect the independence and territory of each member. Wilson decided to take the treaty to the american people.
    the seeds for a second and more horrible world war had been planted