
World War I - All Quiet on the Western Front

  • Assassination of Franze Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franze Ferdinand
    • Princip shot Franze and his wife, Sophie, in Bosnia
    • Sophie was shot in the stomach, who at the time, was pregnant
    • Princip ended up killing three people total
    • Princip was Serbian
    • Austria wanted to use it as an excuse to punish Serbia
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Austria presented ultimatum to Serbian Government

    Austria presented ultimatum to Serbian Government
  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    Austria declares war on Serbia
    -Serbia begins with Russia, then moboloize
    - Austria-Hungary invades Serbia
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    • German invasion of Belgium (Vov Schlieffen Plan)
  • Britain declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary

    Britain declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary
    • after Germany incades Belgium
  • Japan declares war on Germany

    Japan declares war on Germany
  • Battle of Tannenburg starts

    Battle of Tannenburg starts
    • ends August 30th
    • fought in Russia
  • The Great Retreat starts

    The Great Retreat starts
    • ends September 14th
    • begin trenches on western front = stalemate
  • Turkey (Ottomoan Empire) joins Central Powers

    Turkey (Ottomoan Empire) joins Central Powers
    • allied Germany
    • helped provide naval support bordering Russia
  • Russia declares war on Turkey

    Russia declares war on Turkey
    • Turkey had helped Germany invade Russia
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    • coluntary cease fire along the Western Front
    • soldiers celebrate together
  • The Dardanelles Campaign starts

    The Dardanelles Campaign starts
    • all of February in general
    • Russia asks help from Britain and France for the Turks
    • British Navy attacks Turks in Dardanelles
  • Zeppelins

    • All of April in general
    • German's use of them increases
    • Zeppelins drop bombs on London
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    • poison gas used for the first time in WWI used in this battle
    • German side used the gas
    • several British casualties
  • Dardenelles/Gallipoli

    • lasts about April in general through August
    • British land many marines in Gallipoli
    • Mission is still a failure though
  • Lusitania Sunk

    Lusitania Sunk
    • US angry at Germany U-boat Campaign
    • contained 'women and children'
    • really contained military supplies for the British
  • Italy enters the war

    Italy enters the war
    • on the side of the allies
  • Battle of Verdum starts

    Battle of Verdum starts
    • lasts all the way until November
    • no one wins = stalemate
    • just under 1 million die
  • Battle of Jutland starts

    Battle of Jutland starts
    • lasts all the way until June 1
    • naval battle between the British and Germany
    • British received most damage
    • Germans retreated
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    • lasts all the way til November
    • day 1 - 60,000 British casualties
    • stalemate
  • Unit 2 are at school

    Unit 2 are at school
    • Paul and the rest of unit 2 are all attending school together
    • there, is where Kanterok, a teacher, convinced all of them to join the army
    • all of them decided to
  • Training

    • Paul and his friends are at training for about 4 months
    • Himmelstoff is their platoon corporal
    • they all hate him very much, and think he's worthless
  • German U-boat Campaign

    German U-boat Campaign
    • actually just earlies 1917
    • German's naval was ordered to improve
    • all allied or neutral ships were to be sunk
    • one month = millions sunk
  • US declares war on Germany

    US declares war on Germany
    • joins the allied powers in war
    • response to sinking
  • Paul arrives at the Western Front

    Paul arrives at the Western Front
    • Paul gets to the front, along with the rest of the second unit
  • Kemmerick dies

    Kemmerick dies
    • Kemmerick had gotten injured, and had his foot amputated
    • at the time, Paul visited him
    • Kemmerick realizes he doesn't have a use for his boots, without his foot, so he lets Paul give them to Mueller
  • Paul goes on leave

    Paul goes on leave
    • Paul gets to go home for 17 days
    • there, he struggles on whether to try and convince people, including his family, if he should convince them on how bad the war is for soldiers
    • he also wants to save them from worry and anguish though
  • Paul stabs French soldier

    Paul stabs French soldier
    • Paul is hiding in a shell hole, and a French soldier jumps in too
    • this is the first time Paul has actually killed someone, and it's in hand-to-hand combat
    • Paul struggles greatly with himself on whether it was the right thing to do
  • Paul is injured

    Paul is injured
    • Paul's arm becomes broken by a piece of shrapnel
    • Kropp also suffers injury to his leg, right below his knee
  • Paul goes to recover

    Paul goes to recover
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    • actually just in December in general
    • Russians sign the Armistice with Germany
    • Russia surrendered Poland Ukraine, and other regions
    • stops Socialist propganda
    • pay 300 million roubles for prisoners
  • RAF formed

    RAF formed
    • all of April in general
    • Royal Flying Corps + Royal Naval Airservice = Royal Air Force (RAF)
  • Paul returns to the front

    Paul returns to the front
  • Paul's friends start counting down

    Paul's friends start counting down
  • Battle of Amiens starts

    Battle of Amiens starts
    • ends August 11th
    • beginning of the end
    • victorious -British attacked German sector of Amiens
  • Kat dies

    Kat dies
  • Paul inhales poison gas

    Paul inhales poison gas
  • Paul sent home to recuperate

    Paul sent home to recuperate
  • Paul dies

    Paul dies
  • Allies recover France and Belgian

    Allies recover France and Belgian
    • mid-October in general
    • took almost all German occupied France, plus parts of Belgium
  • Armistice with Turkey

    Armistice with Turkey
    • allies pushed back the Turks
    • Turks had asked for an ARmistice
    • the Armistice lets allies to Dardenelles
  • Hindenberg line Collapsed

    Hindenberg line Collapsed
    • allies push Germans behind the Hindenberg line
  • Kraiser abdicated

    Kraiser abdicated
    • German Kaiser Wilheim II is abdicated
  • Armistice signed

    Armistice signed
    • ended war
    • signed in French town of Redonthes
      • she dared me to do that
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Treaty of Versailles signed
    • Germany signs the treaty this day