World War I

  • Second Battle of Ypres begins

    Second Battle of Ypres begins
    French used small amounts of tear gas in police operations. in October 1914, small tear gas canisters were placed in shells that were fired at Neuve Chapelle, France, but allied troops were not exposed.
  • World war 1 begins

    World war 1 begins
    the war began in 1914 after the assassination of Ferdinand and last until 1918. fought against great Britain France Russia Italy Romania japan and the united states.
  • Period: to

    War World I Research Project

  • draft notice

    draft notice
    Essentially this is him getting drafted for the army
  • How the Sinking of Lusitania Changed World War I

    How the Sinking of Lusitania Changed World War I
    the disaster immediately strained relations between Germany and neutral united states. Germany declares the waters surrounding the British isles a war zone and stopped following international naval “prize laws.”
  • Tanks & Prototypes WWI

    Tanks & Prototypes WWI
    on September 6, 1915, a prototype tank was named little willie rolls. improvements were made to the original prototype and tanks eventually transformed military battlefields. the tank was a response to trench warfare.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    The french threw back the massive german advance and thwarted german plans. french agreed to stand at mons to cover lanrezac. the retreat was a little too soon.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    It took place from July to November 1916. was fought. 3 million soldiers fought and 1 million of those soldiers died. the allied leaders were confident the bombardment would damage German defenses.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Germans forces claimed fort document and fort voax. both sides 600,000 casualties. Verdun passed an act called “suction cup” where 3⁄4 of the french western front would serve there
  • U.S. Entered World War I

    U.S. Entered World War I
    on April 6, 1917, the US joined its allies-- Britain, France, and Russia. general John J Pershing ordered more than 2 million US Soldiers fought on battlefields in France. many US citizens were not in favor of the US joining the war.
  • Physical Examination

    Physical Examination
    the point of this letter was telling him to come over and get his physical examination so he is able to join in the war. 8/15/1917
  • Germany and Russia Peace

    Germany and Russia Peace
    The german sign a peace treaty with the new bolshevik government. The terms of the treaty give Germany huge tracts of land that had been the Ukraine and Poland and peace on the eastern front allows Germany to shift soldiers to the western front.
  • Letter to the veterans mom

    Letter to the veterans mom
    The point of this letter was to let his mother know that he had arrived at the hospital at the camping base 1/3/1919
  • letter to his mother

    letter to his mother
    the point of this letter was to his mother letting her know that her son was several “severely injured.” 1/7/1919
  • letter of discharge

    letter of discharge
    the point of this letter was to let his wife know he is heading home for being discharged and when he comes back everything he needs will be supplied. 1/14/1919
  • Life in the Trenches of World War I

    Life in the Trenches of World War I
    They were mostly used as a defense against attack. was a fundamental part of the strategy to win the war. chemical warfare was also used along with warfare.