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World War I

By Kebaboo
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28, 1914 by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian Nationalist. Gavrilo was then put into jail for for 20 years but died in jail in April 1918. This sparked the beginning of World War I as tensions in Europe were already high. Germany would support Austria-Hungary since they were allies they would support Austria-Hungary after declaring war on Serbia.
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    On the 28th of July, 1914 World War I begins. After Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia it would also mean declaring war on Serbia's allies such as Russia and Austria-Hungary's allies which consisted of Germany at the time, but the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria would join the war later. The declaration of war sparked many other countries to declare war on each other creating an chain of war declarations. Since Russia has allies with France and Britain they would likely join the war as well.
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    Battle of Gallipoli

    The Battle of Gallipoli was an attempt by the Allied powers that was unsuccessful to control sea routes along Europe to Russia. The Invasion included Australia, French, British, and New Zealand against the Turkish Resistance. The invasion was unsuccessful because of the lack intelligence they had with with the terrain. Allies suffered heavy casualties and began to evacuate from December to January.
  • Germans Introduce Poison Gas

    Germans Introduce Poison Gas
    This was the first time Chlorine gas was used and the Germans were the first to use the lethal gas against the allies. To reduce casualties of the Germans they used lethal gas and put them into artillery shells into allied trenches. This was proven successful and it helped to push back the allies. Right after this the allies began to develop their own lethal gas and gas masks to protect them from the gas.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    The Lusitania is hit by a torpedo shot by a German U-Boat on the coast of Britain. The Lusitania included 128 Americans and it created annoyance within the U.S because it would be considered as attacking the U.S since those Americans were considered U.S citizens. The Germans refuted by issuing a statement that they would attack any ships that existed in any allied war zones. But Germany found out the Lusitania was carrying out munitions to Britain and continued to sink allied ships.
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    Battle of Verdun

    The German launched their offensive towards the French Forts of Douaumont and Vaux, succeeding in capturing both forts. But captured forts would soon return to the French forces. The French then launched a counter attack and were able to succeed in recapturing Fort Vaux and Douaumont and push the Germans back to where the battle had began. This marked a major defeat for the Germans at Verdun and their General Falkenhayn was dismissed for his failure.
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    Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme was the largest battle of World War I and the bloodiest with 57,000 British troops already dead on the first day. The battle helped British and French perform new tactics and reduce their mistakes that were previously made. After using artillery against the Germans, the French and British forces were able to break through German defenses and push back the Germans. Even with high casualties the allies were able to weaken the German army and push them back to weaker defenses.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    On January 16, 1917, German Foreign Secretary, Arthur Zimmerman sent a letter to Heinrich von Eckardt in Mexico. The letter included instructions for Heinrich to persuade Mexico into joining Germany and in exchange they would provide a military and financial support. It would also provide a chance for Mexico to seize lost territory such as New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. But the letter was intercepted and foiled by the British and sent the decoded letter to the U.S.
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    Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution was a violent revolution of the 20th century and Vladimir Lenin seized power. The Russian Revolution led the end to Romanov Dynasty and would destory the csarist rule traditions. Russia was underdeveloped and industrialized later than other countries. After Russia's industrial age it also bought social and political changes. When Russia abolished serfdom, peasants were now given freedom to do what they wanted.
  • U.S. Enters War

    U.S. Enters War
    On April 6, 1917 the U.S senate voted to declare war on Germany and won with 82 to 6 votes. When World War I started, President Wilson stated that the U.S would be neutral in the war but tensions rose when Germany had destroyed American trading ships heading to Britain. The sinking of the Lusitania and death of 27 Americans aboard influenced America to join and declare war on Germany. Since the U.S did not have many troops, Woodrow had enacted a draft to increase its army.
  • Russia Withdraws from War

    Russia Withdraws from War
    Russia left world war I after experiencing problems within their own country. Russia has already experienced many revolutions during the war and its poverty and lack of power had lead it to gaining the most casualties taken during the war. Russia had also been experiencing famine and their lack food was not enough for their citizens or soldiers fighting in the war. Even after the war, Russia was still experiencing civil war against the White Army who wanted the Russian monarchy back.
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry

    Battle of Chateau-Thierry
    With the arrival of the Second American Division, U.S Marines, and support from the French they were able to withstand the German troops. The U.S and French armies were able to swiftly sweep through the German defenses and confuse the Germans with friendly fire. The Battle of Chateau-Thierry marked a turning point for the war and left the defeated Germans to retreat from the battle. Later on the allied forces would attacked the retreating Germans by the Marne.
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    Battle of Argonne

    During the retreat of the Germans from the Marne River, the French and American armies decided to take on the defeated German troops. The challenging part for American and French troops was getting through the thick Argonne forest. But both forces were both successful after each attack drove deeper into the defenses of the Germans. After losing their defense, the Germans realized they had been outflanked and retreated out of the Argonne Forest.
  • Armistice

    On the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month the war ended with an armistice. Both sides agreed to an armistice and decided to stop fighting after already suffering many casualties on both sides. Germany wanted to form an armistice with the United States because they felt if they negotiate with France or Britain, they would give them harsh terms. But they would go to negotiate with all the allied countries and end up gaining harsh terms such as disarming half their army.
  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

    Treaty of Versailles Signed
    The Treaty of Versailles was negotiated by Germany and the Allied powers to discuss post-war efforts. The treaty discussed Germany's boundaries, stripping its colonies, disarming their army, and paying for war reparations. Germany would also be blamed for causing the war while it was Serbia and Austria-Hungary who started the war. The Treaty of Versailles' punishment for the Central Powers was too harsh and a generous treaty would have not started world war 2.
  • First Meeting of The League of Nations

    First Meeting of The League of Nations
    The League of Nations was a diplomatic group created after world war 1 to solve problems within a country to prevent conflict. Even if the League of Nations did not help out much they did have some success in helping out countries such as Poland. The League of Nations was created by Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States after his fourteen points speech. But after his death the U.S would not be part of the League of Nations which included 42 other nations.