Triple Alliance was Formed
- It was France, Britian, Russia, Italy, U.S., Rumania, Greece, Serbia, and Japan.
1st Universal Peace Conference
- steps towards keeping the peace
- "The future belongs to peace," said French economist, Passy. A German chancellor named Otto von Bismarck diagreeed and he was right. http://wwionline.org/articles/peace-congresses-leading-world-war-i/
Entente was Signed
- It was with France and Britian.
- A nonbinding agreement to follow common policies.
- led to close military and diplomatic ties
Assassination in Sarajevo
- Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were killed
- sparked the war
Austria Declared War on Serbia
- Serbia wouldn't agree to all terms of Austria's ultimatum.
- Serbia wouldn't agree to all terms of Austria's ultimatum.
Russian Losses on Eatern Front
- Russian Armies pushed into eastern Germany
- Then they suffered a disastrous defeat at Tannenberg
- Russia was poorly equipped to fight a modern war.
WWI Starts
- Central Power was formed
- It was Germany, Austrai- Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria.
Zeppelins were Used
- Germany used them
- large gas-filled ballons
- bombed the Englsih coast
Poison Gas was Created
- a new weapon
- blinded and choked victums
- casused burns and blisters
- could be fatal
- gas masks were eventaully used
Allies Finally Withdrew from the Dardanelles
- Dardanelles are a vital strait connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean
- took about ten months
- more than 200,000 casualties
Britian Introduced the 1st Armored Tank
- mounted with machine guns
- designed to move across no man's land
U.S. joins the Allies
- U.S. finally goes to war.
European Societies Started cracking
- to much strain from the war
- shortages at home
- many casualties
- stalemate dragged on
Select Service Act
- congress passes an act to authorize a draft
- any men that were able had to go and fight
- President Wilson signed the bill to make it a law
- it made men have to leave their families http://www.archives.gov/research/military/ww1/draft-registration/
WWI ends!
- ended with a victory for the Allies
- Austro-Hungarian empire and Germany agreed to an Armistice
- WWI is known as "the war to ended all wars