Period: to
World War I
Kaiser declares "open season" on ships
Germany uses boats to sink all ships -
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
He was shot and killed going to a parade. -
Great war begins
Started after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand -
Lusitania Sank
Civilian ship carrying americans sank by Germany -
Battle of the Somme
Fought by French and british against germans -
Wilson re-elected
Wilson was voted in as president -
Zimmerman not intercepted
Germany creates alliance with Mexico -
US declares war on Germany
US declares war on Germany -
Selective Service Act
Raise army up to enter world war I -
Convoy System
All merchant ships would travel in groups protected by british navy -
Espionage Age Act Passed
To prevent insubordination during war. -
Russia Pulls out of war
Lenin wanted to concentrate on a communist state and pulls Russia out of the war -
Fourteen Points Speech
Peace negotiations to end war -
Flu Epidemic
Deadly virus known as influenza -
Sedition Act passed
To protect americans participation in war -
Germany signs armistice
The agreement to end war on the Western front