Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Serbian teen shot Franz Ferdinand and his wife during a parade. It’s known as the main cause for WWI -
Great War Begins
A Serbian teen shot heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Francis Ferdinand. Austria-Hungary then declared war on Serbia and their allies followed suit. -
Kaiser Declares Unrestricted Sub. Warfare
Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare -
Lusitania Sank
Germany sank the British passenger ship, killing over 1,000, including 128 American citizens -
Wilson Re-Elected
Wilson ran against Charles Evans Hughes (The Republican candidate). -
Battle of the Somme
(July 1st - November 18th 1916) British and French armies were up against the German Empire. It was the largest battle on the western front during WWI -
Zimmerman Note Intercepted
(January 1917 by the British)
(March 1st 1917 - US and everyone else) The Zimmerman telegram was sent from Germany to Mexico, inquiring about an alliance against the US. -
US Declares War on Germany
After Germany tried to entice Mexico into forming an alliance against the U.S., President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war. -
Selective Service Act
Authorized the federal government to build an army through the draft of men 18 years and older -
Convoy System Introduced
The British introduced the convoy system which meant that merchant ships would travel in groups under the protection of the British Navy. -
Espionage Act
The Espionage act prescribed a $10,000 fine and 20 years imprisonment for interfering with recruitment of troops or disclosure of information dealing with national defence. -
Russia Pulls Out Of the War
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew the government in Russia. He wanted to pull them out of the war to build a communist state and fix the economy. -
Flu Epidemic
(January 1918 – December 1920) Deadly influenza pandemic that resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million people. -
Fourteen Points Speech
Fourteen Points speech - (January 18, 1918) Highlights Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points for world peace -
Sedition Act Passed
States that people and countries can’t say negative things about the government or the war. -
Germany Signs Armistice
Germany signs armistice - (November 11th, 1918) Germany was forced to take fault for the war and had to pay for the damage