world war I project

  • world war I project

    world war I project
    On June 28, 1914 the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • WWI began for the Germans

    WWI began for the Germans
    The Germans army bombarded Belgians defenses. the king Albert had no other choice but to move his government to leave. in franc began army resisted more than the Germans army expected this will help to confuse Schrieffer plan. bu September 1914 the Germans took down most of Belgium.
  • Germans fire

    Germans fire
    The Germans fire was called the Reichstag's fire. the Germans fire shell were filled withe gas. were used in the battle. the result was that the french nearly died because of the Germans. they were unable to take advantage to burn down the building.
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    The British ocean liner Lusitania was attacked without a warning by the Germans submarines from the south. of Ireland 25 minutes away from there. the vessel sank into the Celtic sea. the attacked alerted the us. Germany defended their actions.
  • the Germans have to limit the submarines

    the Germans have to limit the submarines
    The Germans had agreed with the us president Woodrow Wilson about limiting it submarines warfare in order to avoid conflict withe the us. all the merchant ships including the from neutral countries.
  • the first tanks

    the first tanks
    The British employ the first tank ever used in a battle in Delville wood. they are called the first deployment. they are used for breaking through barbed wire and clearing paths for the infantry. tanks are still primitive and they fail to be the. many broke down by the over half of them broke through success.
  • Zimmerman telegraph

    Zimmerman telegraph
    British gives Wilson the so called Zimmerman telegram. Arthur Zimmerman\ Germans sent a message suggesting that mexico should make an alliance with Germany in case of war between Germany and the us Germany promised that return to mexico the lost provinces of taxes. mexico declined the offer the offer.
  • present Wilson war

    present Wilson war
    President Wilson outlines the case of the war to congress he served in a office from 1912 to 1921 and then led america through WWI. he was a advocate for the democracy and world peace. president Wilson is ranked by the historians as one of the nations greatest president in the world.he was a college professor, at university president and democratic governor of the new jersey before winning the white house in 1912.
  • selective service act

    selective service act
    Congress passes the selective service act authorizing the draft. they were judge for destroying democracy at home while fighting for it abroad. president Wilson says he sees no other options and signs to the bill of rights.
  • Rex Bixby army national guard 1

    Rex Bixby  army national guard 1
    Rex Bixby spent two years in the army national guard. before moving for pilot training
  • Rex Bixby 4

    Rex Bixby 4
    After he spent 2 years in the national guard he moved to a regular army. He was transported to a military base for pilot training.
  • Rex bixby 5

    Rex bixby 5
    Rex had made a scrapbook of photos while he was in Texas. he made the book from funny thing that he found funny in the newspaper. i think that Rex loved to served his country
    He was injured in a plan crash. one the pilot that was in training unfortunately the pilot that was in training died.
  • the battle of Cantigny

    the battle of Cantigny
    The battle of Cantigny is the first major American reason of the war. the Americans fight as soon they get a larger attacks against Germans potions.
  • Rex bixby 2

    Rex bixby 2
    The veteran was involved in a plane crash march filed California when a student froze at the controls.
  • the places Rex Bixby served 3

    the places Rex Bixby served 3
    Rex Bixby served in many places he served in Austin Texas ,San Diego California march field,riverside California.