
World War I

By keirac
  • Franz Ferdinand Assassanation

    Franz Ferdinand Assassanation
    Archiduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were in assassinated while visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia. He was next in line for the Austro- Hungarian throne. The killings set off decades of old tensions in Europe and started WWI.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination of Archiduke and his wife. With Germany's support with Austria-Hungary, it gave Serbia a list of demands and Serbia refused.
  • First use of gas as a weapon

    First use of gas as a weapon
    The Germans were the first to use poison gas against the Allies. The poison gas was killing a ton of soldiers from the Allies, so the Allies started using it to. As the was went on, eventually soldiers had to wear gas masks.
  • The sinking of the Lusitania

    The sinking of the Lusitania
    A British passenger liner that was on the coast of Ireland. Germans had made a surprise attack on the ship because they thought that the ship had weapons on it. More than 1,000 people had died and 128 of them were Americans, this had upset President Wilson and American citizens.
  • Woodrow Wilson reelected; pledged American Neutrality

    Woodrow Wilson reelected; pledged American Neutrality
    America wanted to stay neutrality in World War I. Woodrow Wilson tried with all his power to keep America neutral.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    It offered Germany to make an alliance with Mexico. If America had joined WWI then Mexico would be enemies with America. Americans were furious.
  • Bolsheviks led by Lenin overthrow Russian government

    Bolsheviks led by Lenin overthrow Russian government
    Russian government was struggling to supply food for Russian soldiers and troops. This was because their government had replaced czar and it had caused Russia many problems. A group called the Bolsheviks had overthrown government because they wanted to leave war and focus on setting up a new Communist state.
  • U.S. declares war

    U.S. declares war
    President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to sign a declaration of war against Germany on April 2, 1917. Congress passes declaration on April 6.
  • War ends

    War ends
    Germany surrenders huge amounts of their supplies and equipment and offers to withdraw the fleet on Baltic Sea. All the fighting had stopped and everyone stopped being violent. The Allies had won the war!
  • Treaty of Versallies

    Treaty of Versallies
    Germany had to take full responsibility for the conflicts during war time. It had to pay the Allies billions of dollars, disarm completely, and give up overseas colonies and some territory in Europe.