World War I

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Wilhelm played a big role in the WWI, he didn't actively seek war.He deicided to be in the war,so he could fight for his county.
  • The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914,aslo his wife was killed with him by Garvilo Pincip.This was one of the causes of the WWl.
  • The Sinking of Lusitania

    The Sinking of Lusitania
    The sinking of Lusitania was set at Cunard ocean during WWl.This event occurred when the UK blockaded Germany,this resulted as 1,959 killed and 761 survivors.
  • British used tanks and deville woods

    British used tanks and deville woods
    These items were used for WWl for the British.This was the first tanks in military conflict
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    The Zimmerman Note was an internal diplomatic communication issued from a German Foregin Office.In January 1917 the Foregin
    Office proposed a Military Alliance between Germany and Mexico in the event of the U.S. entering WWl with Germany.
  • President Woodrow Wilson talks to Cngress about the war

    President Woodrow Wilson talks to Cngress about the war
    Congress wanted to have sessions and policies.This policy made the U.S. go to war.
  • The U.S.enters WWl

    The United States enters the war after Germany declares war with British.It started by President Wilson entuping WWl as he makes the United States.
  • U.S. passes Selective Service Act

    Congress passed the Selective Act,which Wilson singed in 1917.It required all men ages 21-30 to register in the Military service.
  • Armisitice Day

    Aslo known as Vetertans day,this day lets us honor all the men that fought in the military for WWI.This day became a legal holiday in 1938.
  • Senate Rejects league of Nations

    The Senate spurned on the Treaty of Versailes that ended the WWl.This provided for a new World body.