World War I

  • Schlieffen Plan

    A plan devised by the German forces to go to war against Russia and France. The plan mainly devised by Alfred von Schlieffen.
  • Allies

    Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and the US were the main allies against the central power Germany.
  • Central Powers

    The Central powers during WWI were Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench warfare was the tactic of digging mass trenches to sit in and fight from side to side.
  • Germany blockades the North Sea

    These blockades where mainly a way of cutting off supplies to the german forces killing thousands of civilians.
  • Committee on public information and the "four minute men"

    this committee was to suit the people to help them to get information about the war
  • American Expeditionary Force and General John J. Pershing

  • Raising money for the war

    The way that we raised money for the war was by selling bonds
  • Anti-German Sentiment in America

    this was a group of anti Germans that were more than ready to go to war
  • 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    This assassination was said to be the spark of WWI
  • Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies

    this was a big win for the allied powers giving them an advantage
  • Victor Burger

  • Shell shock, Trench foot, and Trench mouth

    these were all the diseases during the war
  • Conscientious objector

  • Sinking of the British liner Lusitania

    A german U-boat torpedoed the ship killing almost 2,000 people
  • Sinking of British liner Arabic

    Another attack by German U-boats killing forty-four people two being American
  • Sinking of French passenger liner Sussex

  • Establishment of the German republic

  • Battle of the Somme

    The first war fought between the British Empire and the German Empire.
  • NWLB

    this board was also put in place to put forth the effort to notice the labor during the war
  • Cease fire and armistice

    this was the stop of the war was the big cease fire
  • WIB

    this was the board that was over most wars to help solve them
  • Eugene V. Debs arrest

    this arrest was important
  • Emma Goldman

    this woman was the woman that brought hope into alot of womens hearts
  • Agreements in the treaty

    there were many agreements made some where more vague than others but it helped for the war to end
  • Reparations and the war guild clause

    this was the guild put in place after the war
  • Espionage and sedition acts

    These acts were put in place to keep people quiet and in place during the war
  • Wilsons fourteen points

    these were the points that he ahd amitted to LON
  • Zimmerman note

    the telegram that struck fire for the US to get into the war
  • Bolshevic revolution

    this was a big revolution in russia which caused them to call out of the war
  • Selective service act

    act that made men join the fight so they wouldnt be able to call out of the war
  • Convoy system

    This was a sort of way of helping to keep our goods safe
  • Second battle of Marne

    this was the battle that started the turn of the war
  • Big Bill Haywood and the IWW

    these were big committees during the war
  • 369th Regiment

    this was a certain group of men who were the first to see war
  • Food administration

    this was put in place because during the war food was becoming short and someone had to do something about it