
World War I

  • Archduke killed

    Archduke killed
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated while visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia. He was next in line for the Austro-Hungarian throne. The killings set off decades old tensions in Europe and started WWI.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia because of the death of Franz Ferdinand and his wife. This war started WWI.
  • First use of gas as a weapons by the Germans

    First use of gas as a weapons by the Germans
    On April 22, 1915 Germany artillery fired many cylinders that contained poisonous gases.The beginning attacks of gas in WWI were in the Ypres area.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The sinking of the Lusitania angered Americans at this time. President Wilson was also well enraged, and the sinking of this ship as well as others being sunk created an anti-german feeling in the United States.
  • Wilson reelected

    Wilson reelected
    On November 7, 1916 Woodrow Wilson was elected the president of the United States. He just barely beat Supreme Court Justice, Charles Evan Hughes, the republic candidate.
  • Zimmerman's note

    Zimmerman's note
    Zimmerman's note is a secret telegram meant for Mexico asking for an alliance with Germany for when the United States entered the war. This note infuriated Americans and made an even more anti-german feeling.
  • U.S. declares war on Germany

    U.S. declares war on Germany
    On April 2, 1917 President Wilson requested Congress for a declaration of war. He wanted to go to war with Germany, and after Congress knew that we had to defend our rights to remain a world power, Congress passed a declaration of war against Germany. Wilson signed it on April 6.
  • Bolsheviks led by Lenin overthrow Russian government

    Bolsheviks led by Lenin overthrow Russian government
    The Russian's overthrew their government, and the leader of this event was Vladimir Lenin. They replaced their monarchy and set up a temporary government that promised free elections. This new government in Russia also vowed to to keep on the fight and to defeat the Germans once and for all.
  • The War ends

    The War ends
    On November 11, 1918, the great way finally ended. On this morning, Germany was robbed of supplies and manpower and faced with close invasion. They signed an armistice in agreement with all the allies.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles is the most important factor that brought World War I to an end. This treaty ended war between Germany and the Allied Powers.