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World War I

  • Period: to

    World War I

    World War I started on August 4th, 1914. Imperialism, militarism, the alliance system, and nationalism were the causes of this war. As countries declared war on each other, Britain got involved, which meant Canada was automatically going to war. The war ended on November 11th, 1918 in the victory for the Allies. There were over 37 million casualties, and the soldiers fought a bloody battle.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second  Battle of Ypres
    Where: Ypres, Belgium
    How They Fought: Chlorine gas was used for the first time.
    Why It is Important:
    -Canada's first major appearance on the battlefield.
    -While French troops suffocated and fled because of the poisonous gas, the Canadians stopped the German advance and proved their loyalty and capability.
    -Gained reputation as tough troops because they fought fiercely through the deadly gas.
    -John McCrae wrote the famous poem "In Flander's Fields", reminding people of the soldier's sacrifices.
  • Technology

    Where: In Canada
    When: During WWI
    Why It is Important:
    -The war allowed Canadians to make improved weapons and vehicles that were used during the war and in peace time.
    -Ex. Machine guns, tanks, planes, submarines,telephones,etc.
    -now used as bulldozers, snowmobiles, smartphones, and radio broadcasting, etc.
    -Developing weapons allowed jobs for people at home and women got to work in factories, proving that they could do skilled jobs just like other men. Technology made people's lives easier.
  • Billy Bishop (War in Air)

    Billy Bishop (War in Air)
    Where: in battles
    When:During WWI
    How: He became fighter pilot in 1916.
    Why He is Important:
    -shot down 72 enemy planes, more than any other Allied aviators.
    -Awareded Victoria Cross, the highest British Honor, and 15 more rewards.
    -This showed other countries that Canada also had amazing pilots to fight in air, some better than any other.
    -After the war, he organized the Royal Canadian Air Force, which is still defending Canada.
    -He inspired many young men and soldiers as a brave pilot.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    Where: Somme, France Who: Candian soldiers
    Why It is Important:
    - It cost 24,029 casulaties, however proved Canada's endurance. They gained a reputation of hard-hitting, brave troops.
    -Commanders learned lessons and started to change tactics. This led to future success such as the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
    -Loyd George, a British politician, complimented Canada.This was significant since Britian was like a parent and they were awknowledging Canada's war effort as a distinct group.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    Where: Vimy Ridge, France
    How: creeping barrage strategy
    Why It is Important:
    -It was the first time Canadians fought together. The victory, won by soldiers from every part of Canada, made people unite together in pride, which was key to Canada becoming independent.
    -Arthur Currie, the head officer, was recognized by other countries and he became a knight.
    -France granted the land to Canada in 1918, proving that Canadians did an awesome job and that many soldier's sacrificed their lives.
  • Battle at Passchendaele

    Battle at Passchendaele
    Where: Passchendaele, Belgium
    Who: Canadian Soldiers
    How:They fought in the mud and flat terrain.
    Why It is Important:
    - The soldiers fought through the mud and more than 4,000 Canadians died. However, the Canadians won the battle, with Aurthur Currie's carefully prepared plans, and heroic soldiers. Nine Canadians received the Victoria Cross, and were recognized for their bravery. Canada earned a reputation for a great offensive force.
  • Women Win the Vote

    Women Win the Vote
    Who: Prime Minister Robert Borden
    Where: Canada
    Why It is Important:
    Robert Borden gave women, who had a male family at war, the right to vote for federal elections. Though he was trying to manipulate the citizens, it was a significant change, giving women equal rights.As more women got to vote, more people started to care about women's issues. Women got the chance to get involved in politics and this was a starting point leading to Canada today, an equal and fair society.
  • Royal Canadian Navy

    Royal Canadian Navy
    Where: Across North Atlantic Ocean
    When: During WWI
    How they Fought: convoy system-ships travelling in packs with the naval escort to detect and sink U-boats
    Why It is Important:
    -The Navy grew significantly from 2 warships to more than a 100, including cruisers, destroyers, and submarines.
    -Halifax and Nova Scotia became ports for ships to get ready.
    -Fewer ships were sunk by U-boats, allowing supplies to reach Britain. Soldiers received food and necessities, which led to their success.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Where: Paris Peace Conference
    Who: The Allies
    Why It is Important:
    -The League of Nations was made to find solutions to international disputes and prevent war. Canada was a founding member of the League of Nations and won a separate seat, apart from Britain. This was an important step to Canada's independence. It was proving in front of other countries that Canada is strong and sovereign. Their first step as a country being the League of Nations gave Canada the role as a peacekeeper.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    Who: Canada
    Where: Peace conferecne in Paris, France
    Why It is Important:
    For the Paris Peace Conference, Canada was able to send an independent delegate to the negotiating table. Borden got the right to sign the peace treaties as the leader of Canada, an independent country. This allowed Canada to show that Britain couldn’t speak for them anymore, and Canada's presence showed how other countries recognized their war effort.