World War I

  • Assassination

    Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. He was the archduke of Austria. He was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. His wife was also assassinated on the same day by the same man. This was one of the key events for World War I to begin.
  • War Begins

    War Begins
    German troops crossed the border into Belgium. It was the first battle of WWI. A Belgian priest was executed. Many civilians were also killed by German soldiers. The German troops continued through Belgium into France.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    It was the first Christmas that passed during the war. The two sides had a truce for the special holiday. They shared food and exchanged gifts. They sang carols to each other and all the fighting stopped. The soldiers even had a friendly game of soccer.
  • Poison Gas is First Used

    Poison Gas is First Used
    The Germans were the first to introduce poison gas. They fired more than 150 tons of lethal chlorine gas. It hit two French Colonial divisions at Ypres, Belgium. It was the first major attack by the Germans. The Allied line was devastated.
  • Lusitania Ship Sank

    Lusitania Ship Sank
    A German submarine torpedoed and sank RMS Lusitania. It was a British ship. It was on its way to Liverpool, England coming from New York. There were 1,900 people aboard. 100 American lives were lost.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    While this battle started in July of 1916, it did not end until November of 1916. It was a massive joint operation between the British and the French against the Germans. It was planned on December 15. There were 57, 470 casualties on the first day. It was one of the longest battles in WWI.
  • Tanks Used in Battle

    Tanks Used in Battle
    The first tank ever used in war was used in September of 1916. It was about halfway through World War I. The tanks were first used by the British. It was the Battle of Flers-Courcelette. They were soon used again in later parts of the Battle of the Somme.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Germany sent a telegram to Mexico. They wanted Mexico to join them in the war. The Germans told Mexico they would help them get Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas back from the United States. British intelligence stopped it before it made it to Mexico. Mexico never got the chance to accept or deny.
  • America Enters The War

    America Enters The War
    The Germans were rapidly growing their army. They threatened the US via the Zimmermann Telegram. The Germans sank the Lusitania ship and the allies needed help from America. All of these events were making the U.S. fed up. The United States declared war against Germany.
  • Letter to Father from Forbes Allan

    Letter to Father from Forbes Allan
    It rained everyday for about a month before this. It finally stopped raining on New Years day. Forbes Allan was told he would get to go home, but he got told to stay. He has a brother named Andrew. Andrew is also in the war and the brothers got to see each other one last time.
  • Sergeant Stubby

    Sergeant Stubby
    In 1917 Stubby was found by Private J Robert Conroy while training fro combat on the fields of Yale University. Stubby became the mascot of the 102nd Infantry. He learned the bugle calls and the drills. He even had a modified dog salute. In February Stubby suffered his first injury, gas exposure.
  • Typed Letter to Father

    Typed Letter to Father
    Forbes brother, Andrew, made a visit to him. Andrew brought two other people from home. Andrew put on some weight. He also got his teeth fixed.
  • Christmas Card to Family

    Christmas Card to Family
    Forbes spent the day in Paris. He saw Napoleons tomb. He also saw the Eiffel Tower and other places of importance. He had "a most wonderful time." Guns were taken away from the huns.
  • Letter to Father from Forbes

    Letter to Father from Forbes
    Forbes had a wonderful time at Diamond. There was not a dull time. It was a lot of fun. He got to spend time with fellow soldiers. He even got to meet new people and made new friends.
  • Letter to Father from Forbes

    Letter to Father from Forbes
    The ball game got postponed. The weather was not good. It was bad. He still can not go home. He will be in France for the next four months.