World War I

  • (EU)Archduke Franz Ferdinand Shot in Sarajevo

    (EU)Archduke Franz Ferdinand Shot in Sarajevo
    On this day, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was shot by Gavrilo Princip. This event is often considered the spark for World War 1, which would grow because of entangling alliances.
  • (EU) Germany declares war on France

    (EU) Germany declares war on France
    On this day Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium, 2 days after declaring war on Russia. The biggest reason for this was because of the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • (EU) Britain declares war on Germany

    (EU) Britain declares war on Germany
    On this day, Britain declared war on Germany because they refused to remove their troops from Belgium.
  • (EU) Battle of Tannenburg

    (EU) Battle of Tannenburg
    This was a battle fought between Russia and Germany during the first month of the war. This led to destruction in Russia and also led to the suicide of their general.
  • (EU/US) Sinking of the Lusitania

    (EU/US) Sinking of the Lusitania
    The Germans attacked a British ship called the Lusitania which ended up killing both European and American people. This led to the beginning of the US getting involved in WWI.
  • (EU) Battle of Verdun

    (EU) Battle of Verdun
    On this day, the battle between France and Germany started and lasted until December 1916. The French ends up winning this battle.
  • (US) Election of Woodrow Wilson (1916)

    (US) Election of Woodrow Wilson (1916)
    On this day, democrat Woodrow Wilson won against Republican Charles Evan Hughes. Wilson was the only sitting Democratic president to win re-election. He was an anti-war candidate and Hughes claimed he wasn't preparing for war which only made his argument stronger. He was soon seen as the peacemaker.
  • (EU) Zimmerman Note

    (EU) Zimmerman Note
    On this day, the British decoded a message from Germany to Mexico. The note was about Germany trying to get Mexico to work with them which could've eventually lead to Mexico joining the war.
  • (EU) Russian Revolution

    (EU) Russian Revolution
    On this day, working people and peasants decided to go against the government of Tsar.
  • (EU/US) Wilson asks for Declaration of War

    (EU/US) Wilson asks for Declaration of War
    On this day, Wilson asks Congress to send US troops to go against Germany.
  • (EU/US) The United States Declares War/ Congress Votes to declare war

    (EU/US) The United States Declares War/ Congress Votes to declare war
    On this day, the United States declared war on Germany after it was passed through Congress by Wilson's request.
  • (US) Congress passes the Espionage Acts (1917)

    (US) Congress passes the Espionage Acts (1917)
    This act was meant to prevent the US from revealing any information about the war.
  • (US) Spanish Influenza (1918)

    (US) Spanish Influenza (1918)
    The Spanish Influenza was the time when there was a deadly disease that spread by a virus and killed millions of people.
  • (EU/US) Armistice (1918)

    (EU/US) Armistice (1918)
    On this day, an armistice was signed to end fighting on land, sea, and air between Allies and Germany.
  • (EU/US) Treaty of Versailles

    (EU/US) Treaty of Versailles
    On this day, a treaty was signed by Germany which brought the war to an end.