World War I

  • assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 begins
    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and WW1 begins
  • Germany declared war onFrance

    Germany invaded Belgium and the British foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, sent an ultimatum to Germany demanding their withdrawal from the neutral Belgium
  • First trenches were made

    The first trenches on the western front were built.
  • Battle of Masurian Lakes

    Battle of Masurian Lakes between the Russian First Army and Germany. no victory was claimed but over 100,000 Russians were taken prisoner
  • First Battle of Ypres

    British lost a vast number of troops in the first battle of Ypres
  • Turkey enters the Great War

    Turkey enters WW1 helping with the naval bombardment of Russia
  • Russia declared war on Turkey

    Russia declared war on Turkey
  • France and Britain declared war on Turkey

  • The Lusitania was sunk

    The Lusitania, which had many American passengers aboard, was sunk by a German U-Boat
  • 3 countries declare war in 3 days

    October 14, 1915: Bulgaria declares war on Serbia
    October 15, 1915: The United Kingdom declares war on Bulgaria
    October 16, 1915: France declares war on Bulgaria
  • Battle of Verdun started

    February 21, 1916- December 18, 1916 Battle of Verdun started Over 1 million casualties were reported
  • Naval battle of Jutland

    was fought between Britain and Germany - day 2. Battle inconclusive but resulted in the alarmed Germans consigning their fleet to harbour
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    End of WW I when the Armistice was signed at 11.00am in Redonthes in France