World War |

  • Formation of the triple alliance

    Aliance between Austro-Hangary, Germany, and Italy that Bismark created because he wanted to take away France's allies. Germany was threatened by France.
  • Triple Entente

    Alliance between Britain, France and Russia. Rival alliance with the triple alliance.
  • Assassination of Austrian Archduke

    The Austrian Archduke and his wife Sophie, were assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian Nationalist named Gavrilo Princip who was a member of the black hand.
  • Ultimatum

    Austria presented Serbia with an ultimatum containing numerous demands. Serbia only agreed to some of these demands and offered to negotiate on others. Austria however, was fed up and didn't want to negotiate.
  • War Starts

    Austria rejected Serbias offer to the ultimatum and declared war.
  • Nations Take Sides

    In mid-August of 1914 the battle lines in Europe we clearly drawn and the Central Powers and the Allies went to war.
  • The Schfellen Plan

    The Schfillen Plan was created by Gemrnay during the beggining of the war and the idea was to quickly defeat France and then switch quickly to the East and deafeat Russia. The plan eventually failed because Germany did not deafeat France quick enough, and they were stuck fighting a two front war.
  • Battle on the Eastern Front

    This area was a stretch of battlefield along the front between Germany and Russia.
  • Trench Warfare

    In early 1915, trench warfare was developed and adopted because of stalemates between opposing sides.
  • The Gallipoli Campaign

    This campaign was a effort to take Dardanelles strait. This effort began in Febuary of 1915 and ended in December.
  • America Joins WWI (the Lusitiania)

    Two events that triggered the U.S. to join WWI opposing Germany was the sinking of the Lusitania, which killed 200 American citiezens, and the Zimmerman note.
  • Total War

    WWI soon after it's start became a "total war". This is when a country devotes all their resources and effort to a war. Countries started rationing items that were needed for the war effort and controlled what factories manufactured.
  • The Zimmerman Note

    Officials intercepted a telegram going to Mexico from Germany asking Mexico to join Germany in their war effort, and in return they would regain Mexico's lost land form the U.S. This event was the last straw for America and got them to join in WWI.
  • Wilson Asks to Declare War on Germany

    President Wilson, on April 2 of 1917, asked Congress to declare war on Germany for the events that had taken place and to join the Allies against the Central Powers.
  • Allies Win the War

    The Allies, soon after the U.S. joining, won the war over Germany and the Centeral Powers. Germany and France signed a armistice to stop the fighting and end the war in a railway car near Paris.