world war ||

  • Germanys invasion of Poland

    What happened- The Germans invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. On September 27, 1939. the Warsaw was surrounded by the Germans after heavy shelling and bombing.
    why- Adolf Hitler said it was for defense, but France didn't believe that. So on September 3, France declared war on Germany which started WWII.
    The effect/impact- World War II
  • German Blitzkrieg

    What Happened- German took over most of Europe, and held it for more then 2 years by using the blitzkrieg tactic.
    Why- They used the blitzkrieg tactic because it saved many lives and limited cost of artillery
    The effect/impact- It has a constant record of having good results in short military campaigns which saves more lives.
  • Fall of Paris

    What Happened- The Germans announced over a via loudspeaker that there will be a curfew at 8pm.
    Why- It cut off Allied Units.
    The Effect/Impact- It didn't lead to a direct attack.
  • Pear Harbor

    What Happened- The Japanese bombed the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and killed more than 2300 Americans, and destroyed 8 battleships.
    Why- Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor because it would prevent us from preventing them from conquering other countries like Asia.
    The effect/impact- The Japanese destroyed 200 planes, 8 battleships, and killed about 2400 soldiers.
  • Bataan Death March

    What Happened- 65 miles of Prison Camps.
    Why- It rounded up Japanese to march 65 miles.
    The Effect/Impact- Japanese surrendered.
  • D-Day

    What Happened- Allied Forces Invaded the coast of Normandy.
    Why- OnJune 6, 1944 Allied Forces launched a Naval Air and Assault on Nazi-occupied France.
    The Effect/Impact- The Allied Forces got a victory, and it was the beginning of the end or WWII.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    What Happened- The Germans attempted to push the Allied Force front line west away from northern France to northwestern Belgium.
    Why- The Germans wanted to take over that land.
    The Effect/Impact- It basically killed the end of the German Army and the Nazi reign.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    What Happened- The first major battle that took place in the Japanese homeland, it took place at the end of WWII and it was against the United States.
    Why- The United States wanted a base near the Japanese Coast.
    The Effect/Impact- U.S. Created mad havoc and overruled the Japanese Bases.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    What Happened- Its results resulted in a war with one of the most casualties with 100000 Japanese casualties and 50000 Allied Force casualties.
    Why- The battle was started cause they wanted a base near the Japanese to allowed effective bombardment.
    The Effect/Impact- The Allied Forces won the battle against the Japanese.
  • VE Day

    What Happened- Its a holiday celebrated on may 8, 1945.
    Why- On May 8, 1945 Hitler killed himself, and It was the day that the Nazi part of Germany ended the war.
    The Effect/Impact- On May 9, 1945 the Soviet Union would lose 600 more soldiers.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bombs

    What Happened- American Bomber by the name of Enola Gay dropped a 5-ton bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
    Why- Because the U.S. and the Japanese have been fighting in many wars against each other and the Americans wanted to put an end to it by saving as many lives as the U.S. can for themselves.
    The Effect/Impact- The effect of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in a mass number of deaths and a Surender of Japan in World War II.
  • VJ Day

    What Happened- VJ Day is like VE Day but a holiday for the United States.
    Why- Its the day that Japan surrendered in World War II.
    The Effect/Impact- Japan surrenders and World War II ends.