World War 2 Turning Point

  • Potsdam Conference

    Great Britain, United States, United Nations
    Allies come together to end this war
    Do not agree and keep
    US keeping secrets from Soviet Union and
    US does not agree with Soviet Union
  • Truman Doctrine (foreign aid)

    Truman Doctrine- caused great problems (“armed minorities” & “outside pressures”)
    Resources American Dollars to stop communism and make them stronger less likely to think communism is better option. Greece and Turkey
  • Berlin Airlift

    England, Russia, United States and France
    Did not want to support East Germany
    Soviet Cuts resources of West Berlin
    Barricades West Berlin
    Fly Supplies entire year (medical supplies, food, and resources)
  • HUAC/Hollywood 10

    Research the inside of the government
    (Hollywood 10)
    Outside the government the movie industry (Influence our media and Americans turn against each other taking away rights)