World War 2 Timeline

By 18reedk
  • Japanese Invasion of China

    Japanese Invasion of China
    The Japanese imperialists wanted to dominate China politically and wanted to take over their military to secure the raw materials and other resources.
  • Rape of nanking

    Rape of nanking
    The Japanese marched into china and killed 300,000 out of 600,00 people. After Japan conquered the Chinese at Shanghai 50,000 Japanese soldiers marched to Nanking. The Americans and British who were living in the city created an international safe zone. About 300,000 Chinese civilians took shelter in this safe zone. Anybody who was not in the safe zone was killed.
  • Germany's invasion of Poland

    Germany's invasion of Poland
    German forces bombed Poland both on land and in the air on this day. Germany wanted to take over Poland to regain lost territory. After bombing Poland Hitler Began to set up security forces to annihilate all enemies. The Polish were under-equipped and went head on towards Germany rather than fall back and let them take over. The Polish military was no match for the modern mechanized German forces.
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    German Blitzkrieg

    The Germans used a system call Blitzkrieg to take over in Europe. Blitzkrieg means lightening war in German.They used this system first in Poland and when it was shown a success they moved onto more countries in Europe. Large formations moving on tracks and wheels, directed by radios, could rupture an enemy’s front and so disorganize its rear that countermeasures would be paralyzed.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. Japan destroyed nearly 20 American naval ships. More than 2,000 American soldiers were killed and around 1,000 were injured. After this America was apart of World War 2.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    After Japan took over the Philippines main island of Luzon 75,000 Filipino and American troops were forced to walk 65 miles to the prison camps. They had to march through the intense heat and the cruel treatment from the Japanese soldiers. Many didnt survive the trip.
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    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    The people who live in the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, Poland staged and armed revolt against deportations to extermination camps. The Warsaw ghetto uprising inspired other revolts in other extermination camps and ghettos. When the Germans went to this ghetto they were attacked by several hundred resistance fighters. 7,000 Jews died during the uprising while nearly 50,000 others survived and were brought to the extermination camps.
  • D-Day

    156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. D-Day was called the begining of the end of the war. The British and Canadians overcame light opposition to capture beaches. There were over 2,000 casualites. Approximentally 156,000 allied troops made it to the Normandy beaches.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    Adolph Hitler attempted to split the Allied armies in northwest Europe by means of a surprise blitzkrieg.Caught off-guard, American units fought desperate battles to stem the German advance. Allied line took on the appearance of a large bulge.On December 16, three German armies, more than a quarter-million troops, launched the deadliest and most desperate battle of the war in the west.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    Soviet soldiers entered Auschwitz and there found hundreds of sick and exhausted prisoners. The Germans had been forced to leave these prisoners behind as the fled the camps. Also left behind were victims' belongings: 348,820 men's suits, 836,255 women's coats, and tens of thousands of pairs of shoes.
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    The american soldiers invaded Iwo JIma so they could have a base near the Japanese coast. Iwo JIma was about 575 miles from the Japanese coast. There were about 23,000 Japanese soldiers who fought there using elaborate networks of caves, dugouts, tunnels and underground installments. The american Marines wipes the Japanese Army and Navy soldiers in about a month.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    This battle was the last and biggest battle of the Pacific island battles of World War 2. This battle involved 287,000 American soldiers and 130,000 Japanese soldiers. By the end of the 82-day campaign, Japan had lost more than 77,000 soldiers and the Allies had suffered more than 65,000 casualties, including 14,000 dead.The Japanese navy and army mounted mass air attacks by planes on one-way “suicide” missions.
  • VE day

    Both Britain and the United States celebrates victory day in Europe day. On this day German troops throughout Europe finally laid down their arms.more than 13,000 British POWs were released and sent back to Great Britain.The main concern of many German soldiers was to get out of the grasp of Soviet forces, to keep from being taken prisoner.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bomb

    Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
    The United States was the first to make a Atomic bomb and the only one to use one during the wartime. When America dropped the Atomic Bomb it ended the war. The untied states started makig this nuclear weapon after hearing that Germany was starting to conduct this weapon. Harry s. Truman decided to use this weapon on Japan to stop the war.