Iwo jima

World War 2 Timeline By Colin And Mitchell

  • Adolf Takes Over Germany

    Adolf Takes Over Germany
    Hitler was dictater and leader of a Nazi party in Germany.His Nazi party and him belived in facism, this government took individual freedoms and and dinied them so that all the power was taken to the government.He was a evil man who hated Jewish people plus,he put togeather an Army wich he wasn't supposed to do.
  • Germany Invades Poland And Starts War

    Germany Invades Poland And Starts War
  • France And Great Britain Declare War On Germany

    France And Great Britain Declare War On Germany
  • Germany Invades Denmark And Norway

    Germany Invades Denmark And Norway
  • Germany Uses Blitzkrieg To Take Over Netherlands And Belgiun

    Germany Uses Blitzkrieg To Take Over Netherlands And Belgiun
  • Italy Enters War As Axis Powers

    Italy Enters War As Axis Powers
  • Germany Invades Soviet Union

    Germany Invades Soviet Union
  • Japanese Bombs Pearl Harbor, United States Enters War

    Japanese Bombs Pearl Harbor, United States Enters War
  • The United States Defeats Japanese In Midway

    The United States Defeats Japanese In Midway
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italy Surrenders
  • Allies Invade France In Norway (D-Day)

    Allies Invade France In Norway (D-Day)
  • Germans Fight Back In Battle Of Bulge

    Germans Fight Back In Battle Of Bulge
  • Allied Troops Capture Iwo Jima

    Allied Troops Capture Iwo Jima
  • Roosevelt Dies

    Roosevelt Dies
  • Germany Surrenders, Ends War In Europe

    Germany Surrenders, Ends War In Europe
  • USA Bombs Hiroshima, Japan

    USA Bombs Hiroshima, Japan
  • Another USA Bomb Drops In Japan

    Another USA Bomb Drops In Japan
  • Japan Surrenders, Ends War

    Japan Surrenders, Ends War