Hitler becomes Chancelor
January 30, 1933, the day Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany. Hitler persuades Germany and the Nazi party with his speech skills to become Chancellor. From this point Hitler will gain more power and eventually become Dictator of Germany. -
Invasion of Poland
September 1, 1939 is the start of the war in Europe. Germany invades Poland initiating world war 2. This was the beginning of Germany's successful role.Germany defeats the Poland army in less than two weeks. -
Axis Powers
The pact was signed in Berlin with some of the countries like Germany, Italy and Japan. The next countries joined such as these countries, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria. -
Axis strategy
The Germans created a strategy with Italy and Japan to kick Britain out of the war with bombing plans. -
axis strategy
Their strategy was to defeat the Russians and the French and the U.S. after they joined the war. -
Allied strategy
The strategy was to attack the Japanese and the Germans. They had a strategy for the Germans and the U.S. with japan. -
Allied powers
All of the allied powers were fully apart of the war and on sides. The last country to join was the soviet union. -
battle of Midway
The battle of midway was between the U.S. and the Japanese and the U.S. ends up winning this battle. -
The tech. used in the war was used in many different battles and bombings and attacks. Things like mortars, aircraft, and attack planes. -
Turning point
The turning point of the war was when the battle of the Russian defeated the Germans in the war and the U.S. defeated Japan. -
VE day
Germany Surrenders to the Axis allies. They are eventually forced to surrender after the allies defeat them and Hitler kills himself.