Ww2 presentation

World War 2 Presentation

  • The beginning of world war two

    Hitler invades Poland. Both France and Britain declare war on Germany around two days later.
  • Period: to

    World War Two

    Although nearly a ten year war, the United State did not enter world war two until the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941
  • Formation of axis powers

    The Tripartite Pact is formed between Germany, Italy and Japan.
  • The turn of the axis powers

    Germany invades Russia violating the non aggression act they had signed and failed to take the country losing resources, man power and now begn fighting a two front war
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor Info.The Japanese attack the U.S. naval fleet at Pearl Harbor beginning the involvement of the U.S. in world warf two
  • The United States involvement in Europe

    Nazi Germany as well as Italy and Japan declare war on the United States
  • Defeating the Japanese

    The United States stops the Japanese from "island hopping" and begin to push back the Japanesemilitary for the first time in the war
  • The beginning of the end of Nazi Germany

    The allied forces force the axis powers to surrender troops in Tunisia edning the North African campaign
  • D-Day

    Brief overview of the D-Day eventThe United States and Britian land on the beaches of Normandy and defeat the present German troops occupying the beaching allowing the allies to have full access or a "second front" in Europe thatwas the catalyst for the defeat of Hitler and the axis powers.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Germans launch last final assault on the allied powers to attempt to regain territory to the west in hopes of regaining Belgium and fail. Axis powers are forced to retreat back east into Germany.
  • Russia in Berlin

    Russia occupies Berlin from the Nazis
  • The end of the third Riech

    The end of the third Riech
    Hitler committs suicide
  • The end of world war two part one

    Info on the surrender of Germany to the allied powersGermany surrenders to the allied powers of the west (United States and Britain)
  • End of world war two part three

    The Japanese officially surrender following the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaskai. The United States used the atomic bomb devastating the islands of Japan. The United States was asisted in defeating the Japanese by the Soviet Union.
  • End of world war two part two

    Germany surrenders to the Soviet Union