World War 2 Events

  • WW2 Begins: World War 2 was a long and bloody war that lasted for six years.

    World War 2 was a long and bloody war that lasted for six years. Officially beginning on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, World War 2 lasted until both the Germans and the Japanese had surrendered to the Allies in 1945.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    President Franklin Roosevelt called December 7, 1941, "a date which will live in infamy." On that day, Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory.
  • U.S. enters World War II

    The US entered WW2 be declaring war on Japan on December 8, 1941 the day after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
  • Bataan Death March

    Began on April 9, 1942, was the forcible transfer by the Imperial Japanese Army of 60-80,000 Filipino and American prisoners of war after the three-month Battle of Bataan in the Philippines during World War II.
  • Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway, fought over and near the tiny U.S. mid-Pacific base at Midway atoll, represents the strategic high water mark of Japan's Pacific Ocean war.
  • Island Hopping: The American strategy in the Pacific during World War II. It involved a leapfrogging movement of American forces from one strategic island to the next until American forces were in control of the Pacific and prepared to invade Japan.

    Island hopping
Island hopping was the American strategy in the Pacific during World War II. It involved a leapfrogging movement of American forces from one strategic island to the next until American forces were in control of the Pacific and prepared to invade Japan.
  • Battle of Normandy/D-Day

    The Battle of Normandy was fought during World War II in the summer of 1944, between the Allied nations and German forces occupying Western Europe.
  • Concentration Camps begin to be librated

    The first major camp to be liberated was Majdanek (Poland) on 22 July 1944. Like all the camps in Eastern Europe it was liberated by the Soviet Army.
  • Frnaklin Roosevelt dies and Harry Truman becomes President

  • V-E Day

    Victory in Europe Day was the public holiday celebrated on 8 May 1945 to mark the date when the World War II Allies formally accepted the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Nazi Germany and the end of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, thus ending the war in Europe.
  • Postdam Conference: Meeting of the principal Allies in World War II to clarify and implement agreements previously reached at the Yalta Conference.

    Potsdam Conference, meeting (July 17–Aug. 2, 1945) of the principal Allies in World War II to clarify and implement agreements previously reached at the Yalta Conference.
  • U.S. drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima

    On August 6, 1945, the United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the first of two such dropped on Japan.
  • US drops the atomic bomb on Nagasaki

    On this day in 1945, a second atom bomb is dropped on Japan by the United States, at Nagasaki, resulting finally in Japan's unconditional surrender.
  • V-J Day: The day on which the Allies announced the surrender of Japanese forces during WW2.

    The day on which the Allies announced the surrender of Japanese forces during WW2.