Australians in World War 2

By aj_2468
  • Conscription in Australia

    Conscription in Australia
    In 1939, if you werea unmarried man aged 21 you were called to fight in autralia. If you were a man aged 18–35 or a single men aged 35–45 you were required to join the Citizens Military Forces (CMF).
  • start of the war

    start of the war
    when germany invaded poland the allies got very angry because germany had broken the promise. the promise was that they wouldnt invade any other country. THis is what started the 2nd world war.
  • Australia dclares war on germany

    Australia went to war with germany to help great britain. the australian sent many troops and the also sent there royal navy.
  • Australian fighter pilots in the Battle of Britain

    the battle of britain was a huge dog fight between britain and germany. About 35 Australians piloted planes on the british side. about 14 Australians died in the battle.
  • Australia declares war on Japan

    The prime minister of australia at the time was John Curtin. He declared war on japan 1 day after japan bombed hawaii
  • Fall Of Singapore

    in the morning of 15th february, the japanese had broken through the last line of defense. The allies were low in food and resources.
  • Bombing of Darwin

    242 japanese aircrafts attacked darwin. The australians only had 31 aircrafts to defend against the japanese. Over 235 civilans died because of the bombing.
  • Attack on Sydney Harbour

    The japanese used midget submarines to attack sydney harbour. The Netherlands and British India joined America and Britain to Help Australia Defend Angainst Japanese forces. The aim of the attack was to destroy allied ships.
  • Australians recapture Kokoda

    Some say that the battle of Kokoda was one of the most significant because we lost 600 men and wounded 1680 more.
  • Japanese surrender

    Because of the 2 atomic bombs dropped on japan, The japanese were forced to surender. They were worried about how many more bombs the Americans had.