World War 2: Australia Under Attack

  • War Declared

    After many ultimatums presented to Hitler about declaring war, the British government finally announced their declartion of the second World War agaisnt Germany.
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    World War 2: Australia Under Attack

    Countries all over the world were involved in the Second World War, and it left a mark on every families lives who lost someone due to the War.
  • Bombing of Darwin

    On the 19th of Febuary 1942, the Japanese Army toupes landed an air raid on the town of Darwin. The bombing of Darwin devestated many people all over Australia. This was the first air raid on Darwin, and was also the most devestating that they would occur.
  • Broome Air Raid

    The Japanese then launched an air raid on the Western-Australian town of Broome. Broome was the town where many of the evacuees were sent when they had to be evacuated. By the end of Febuary, there were many military personel and refugees as well as miltary equpiment. On March 3rd 1942, the Japanese attacked Broome without warning. The attack lasted no more than 20 minutes but killed dozens of poeple and detroyed more than 25 allied aircrafts.
  • Sydney Harboured Invaided

    On the 31st of May, 3 Japanese type-A midget submarines were launched into the Sydney Harbour. The first was picked up by electronice detection equipment, but was then discarded. The second submarine was caught in an anti submarine net and the alarm was raised just before 10:30 pm. Lieutenant Kenshi Chuma and Petty Officer Takeshi Ohmori blew up their craft and themselves after realising they had been trapped. The third was spotted and was openfired, but then escaped not to be seen again.
  • HMAS Kattabul Hit

    At roughly 12.30 am the morning of the 1st of June- not too long after the 3 Japanese type-A submarines had been spotted in Sydney Harbour- A Japanese torpedo was launched and successfully hit one of the Australian War ships. The HMAS Kattabul was one of the accommodation ships that was used throughout the Second World War. However there were only 19 Australians and 2 British soilders that died from the direct hit. The torpedo was originally meant to hit the USS Chicago, but missed.
  • Steamer Barwon Attacked

    On the 4th of June 1942, a Japanese Submarine- The same submarine to attack and sink 2 other Australian ships- torpedoed and gunfired at the Steamer Barwon. It made it to the port however, only just. On the same day, in roughly the same area, another ship, The Iron Crown, was torpedoed and sank immediately.
  • Japan attacks Sydney

    On the 8th of June, Sydney was attacked by Japan, within a 5 minute period, they managed to fire 10 rounds. However only one of the shells exploded, on top of Bellevue Hill.
  • Darwin Can Rest

    The last air raid on Darwin was dropped on the 12th of November, 1943. It was the final air raid that Darwin would face. It was the 64th and final time. It was also the last air raid that Asutralia would face, along their coastlines.
  • War Finished

    After many lives lost, homes destroyed and towns torn apart, the war finally came to an end. For all families who lost love ones it was a day that made many people all over the world peaceful and a day to think about their loved ones.