The Invasion (Blitzkrieg) of Poland
A primer on how Hitler intended to wage war–what would become the “blitzkrieg” strategy -
Great Britain and France Declare War on Nazi Germany
to defend the balance of power in Europe and safeguard Britain's position in the world. -
The Invasion (Blirzkrieg) of Belgium, Luembourg, the Netherlands & France
The conquest of western Europe brought hundreds of thousands of Jews under German control. -
The Battle & Great Escape at Dunkirk
The evacuation boosted morale
If the BEF had been captured, it would have meant the loss of Britain's only trained troops and the collapse of the Allied cause. -
The Battle of Britain
It was one of Britain's most important victories of the Second World War because it showed Germany could be defeated, it allowed Britain to carry on fighting the war, and ultimately ensured the Allies had a base from which to launch the liberation of Europe on D-Day in June 1944. -
Selective Service & Training Act
required all men between the ages of 21 and 45 to register for the draft. This was the first peacetime draft in United States' history. -
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
It brought the United States into World War II, as it immediately declared war on Japan. -
America Enters World War II
By 1944 America led the world in arms production, making more than enough to fill its military needs. At the same time, the United States was providing its allies in Great Britain and the Soviet Union with critically needed supplies. Many Americans volunteered to defend the nation from enemy bombing or invasion. -
Germany and Italy Declare War on the United States
in response to the latter's declaration of war upon the Empire of Japan following the attack on Pearl Harbor four days earlier. Germany also declared war on the U.S. the same day. -
Lend-Lease Assistance Act
Following two months of debate, Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act, meeting Great Britain's deep need for supplies and allowing the United States to prepare for war while remaining officially neutral. -
The Battle of the Coral sea
It was the first time in World War 2 that the Japanese experienced failure in a major operation -
The Battle of Midway Island
This critical US victory stopped the growth of Japan in the Pacific and put the United States in a position to begin shrinking the Japanese empire -
The Invasion of North Africa
The battle for North Africa was primarily a struggle for control of the Suez Canal and access to oil from the Middle East and raw materials from Asia, but also an effort to drive Italy out of the war as a prelude to invasion of southern Europe and a planned bombing campaign against Germany.