World War 2

By Ragne
  • Germany invaded Poland

    It is considered as the start of the world war 2
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Britain and France declared war on Germany

    Hitler refused to stop the attack on Poland and withdraw his forces. Then Britain and France declared war on Germany
  • Germany attacked Norway and Denmark

    Germany used planes and boats to attack Norway and Denmark. It was risky because Britain dominated the seas.
  • Germany invaded The Netherlands and Belgium

    After a few days, Germany crushed both The Netherlands and Belgium.
  • The battle of Dunkirk

    Almost 400 000 of the allies' soldiers were somewhere close to Dunkirk. Hitler gave an order to not attack them, and that gave them the opportunity to escape. More than 388 000 of the soldiers got evacuated.
  • Left Norway

    Haakon 7. and the norwegian government left Norway
  • Germany took Paris

    After France was attacked by both Italy and Germany on June 10, Paris was occupied.
  • France signed a ceasefire agreement

    France had to sign a ceasefire agreement
  • Failed attack on Britain.

    After a failed attack on Briain, the german Air Offensive started bombing British cities but failed to break the morale of the British or destroy their industrial production.
  • Germany attacked the Soviet Union

    Germany attacked the Soviet Union and was supported by Finland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary.
  • Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacked the american naval base and thus the United States joined the war.
  • Battle of Midway

    Japan lost the battle of Midway
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Italy and Germany were defeated at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union.
  • Italy declared war

    Italy declared war on Germany.
  • The D-day

    The Allies invaded France.
  • Claus von Stauffenberg tried to kill Hitler.

    Since 1933 it had been oppositional groups, and in 1944 Claus von Stauffenberg tried to kill Hitler. He failed, and Stauffenberg and a lot of other oppositional and suspected was killed.
  • Paris was liberated

    The allies had around one million soldiers in France, and Paris was liberated.
  • Romania declared war on Germany

    The king made a coup d'état against General Antonescu and the country declared war on Germany.
  • Bulgaria declared war on Germany

    Bulgaria, occupied by the Soviets, declared war on Germany
  • Finland declared war on Germany

    There was a ceasefire with Britain and Finland and they had to declare war on Germany
  • Hitlers suicide

    In late April, the Soviets surrounded Berlin, and Hitler took suicide.
  • The final capitulation

    The war was over in whole Europe
  • Hiroshima

    The Japanese would not give up and the Americans chose to use the atomic bomb to end the war. Big parts of the city Hiroshima got destroyed and 80 000 people were instantly killed.
  • Japan surrendered

    After the atomic bombs, Japan capitulated.