
World War 2

  • Adolf's rise with the Nazi Party

    Adolf's rise with the Nazi Party
    The state quickly became the regime in which the citizens there did not have no rights. The rise of the Nazi's brought an end to the Weimar Republic.The regime established the first concentration camp, imprisoned political opponents, and saw homosexuals as dangerous people.
  • Period: to

    The beginning and end of WWII

  • Editors Law

    The German Propaganda Ministry got control over the Reich Association of the German press, the guild then regulated entry into the profession. The officials expected the editors and journals to work in the fields and follow the instructions that the ministry gave them.
  • German Jew Passports

    German Jew Passports
    Jew must surrender there passports and after they surrender they must get the letter J stamped on them. The government tells the Jews to identify themselves in certain ways that would separate them away from the German population. All German Jews were required to carry an identity card that indicates their heritage. In Autumn of 1938 the passport they had to carry were stamped with the letter J.
  • Concentration Camps

    The Auschwitz camp was one of the largest complexes in the Nazi regime. All the men had to sleep on hard bed frames together. If some were sick they went to the one building to recover by themselves and if they didn't recover they were taken to a different building to be burned. This camp was one mostly known as a killing center.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan went to war on the U.S. to get revenge on them for destroying there land and trying to invade there base. The U.S. wanted to take the Japanese base so that they had more land for themselves and so they can become more powerful. Male soldiers were on there way to take some of Japan's land but instead Japanese planes were crashing into the ships and blowing them up. On board these ships were weapons and supplies that got destroyed. Booms were also being dropped to destroy all U.S. ships.
  • The destruction of Lidice

    The destruction of Lidice
    German forces were destroying the village of Lidice for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich who was ranked the highest Nazi official. They made sure that the village was set on fire and all of the buildings were destroyed. The officials killed most of the men over the age of 16 and women and children were deported to camps in Germany.
  • Citizenship for Jewish Refugees

    Geroge Mandel is issuing thousands of citizenship papers to Jewish refugees involved with the nazi's. George Mandel was a Hungarian Jewish businessman who befriended a diplomat Colonel Jose Arturo Castellanos. Leading up to World War II Mandel was the first secretary and the Consul General of El Salvador.
  • Letter asking for help to save child

    This letter written by Salek and Eda Kuenstler was asking for help to save there daughter Anita from annihilation. When she was three her parents spirited her out of the ghetto to a Catholic family asking them to hide there daughter. Other than Anita, this family had three children of there own. This family baptized her and even raised her as a Catholic. Salek was killed in a Mauthausen camp and Eda survived two labor camps and incarceration in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. Eda Survived.
  • The attempt to assassinate Hitler

    Military officers attempt to assassinate Hitler in his headquarters at Rastenburg. Colonel Claus Schenk von Stauffenburg left a briefcase with a bomb near Hitler during a military briefcase. They thought that his death would signal a popular Anti-Nazi revolt. Hitler survived the blast and the coup failed. Most of the officials were executed at Berlin's Ploetzensee prison and others were convicted.
  • Japan Surrenders (WWII ends)

    Japan Surrenders (WWII ends)
    The surrender of Japan was signed in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS. Missouri. General Douglas MacAuthur accepted the surrender from Foreign Minister Shigemitsu who headed the Japanese delegation. Representatives from all of the allied nations attended this signing.