World War 2

  • Japan attack Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria to have that land to the Japanese.
  • Japan leave the League Of Nations

    Japan leaves because what happen in Manchuria , Japan was blamed for everything.
  • Germany leaves the League Of Nation

    They left because Germany appointed Adolf Hitler
  • U.S. Neutrality acts signed

    This act prohibited trading with Europe countries with the U.S. and let the other side of the world handle their own problems.
  • Japan attacks China

    This event known as " Second Sino-Japanese War ". This happen because the Chinese launched a counter attack to Japan while Japan was bombing Pearl Harbor
  • Germany take over Austria

    Germany taking over Austria is also known as " Anschluss ". Germany invades Anshluss because its a German speaking region.
  • Germany takes over Czechoslovakia

    Hitler felt like in order to take over Czechoslovakia, he did to close negotiations with Poland and take over Czechoslovakia and then go conquer Poland
  • Munich Peace Conference Begin

    The munich agreement was about Germany could annex certain areas in Czechoslovakia.
  • Non-Aggression Pact between Germany & Soviet Union

    This event happen due to before WW2, the Germany and Soviet Union couldnt go to war within 10 years.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Hitler sees the country of Poland that they should have to them again.
  • France Falls to the Germans

    This event made France surrender to the Germans.
  • Battle of Britain

    This significant battle showed the air attacks of the British.