Adolf Hitler elected as Chancellor of Germany
On 30th of January, Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany. Also known as the Fuhrer of Germany. This event was one of the key events to the start of World War Two. -
Russia and Germany signs an non-aggression pact.
At night of Around 23-24 of August 1939, Germany (Nazi Germany) and Soviet Union (Russia at the time) signed an non-aggression pact. Which was also known as "Molotov-Ribbentrop" pact. Which means that they won't attack each other. -
Adolf Hitler invades Poland (START OF WW2)
Adolf Hitler chose to attack Poland. Which was also known as the "September Campaign", "Polish Campaign", "War of Poland of 1939" and "Polish Defensive War of 1939. Poland had a joint attack opposed by Nazi Germany, Soviet Union and Slovak Republic. This was the true beginning of World War Two. -
Britain and France declare war on Germany (Nazi Germany)
On the 3th of September 1939, Britain and France chose to declare war on Germany (Nazi Germany). The reason because Hitler had a joint attack against Poland. This war lasted from September 1939 to April 1940. Also known as the "Phoney War". -
Phoney War
The Phoney War lasted for eight months at the start of World War II during which there was only one limited military land operation on the Western Front, when France's troops attacked Germany's Saar district. Germany invaded Poland on the 1st of September 1939, and the Phoney War started two days later with the declaration of war by the United Kingdom and France against Germany. -
Italy joins the Axis
In this event. Shortly before Germany defeats France. Italy joined the war and chose to be Germany's ally (Joining the Axis Team). Which then invades France with Germany and France gets defeated. -
France signs Armistice with Germany
The French delegation signed the Armistice agreement imposed by Germany (Nazi Germany) at the location of the 1918 Armistice signing. This caused France's surrender in the war -
Operation Barbarossa
On 22th of June 1941, Operation Barbarossa is the attack on the Soviet Union by Germany (Nazi Germany) and it's allies. It was the largest land offensive in the world and history. -
Attack on Pearl Harbour
On 7th of December 1941. Japan Empire Navy launched a suprise attack on the US' Naval Base in Honolulu, Hawaii. This attack caused the US to join the war and this would be one of Japan's worse mistakes. -
Britain and US goes to war against Japan
After the attack on Pearl Harbour, Britain and US decide to go on war against Japan (Empire of Japan). Another reason was the attacks Japan did on the UK. -
Allies battle on Sicily (Italy)
On the 10th of July 1943, American, British and Canadian soldiers landed on Sicily (Italy). The reason why the Allies attacked Italy as it would force Italy out of the war and Germany having a harder time in the war. -
Italy Surrenders in the War
Italy chose to surrender in World War 2 a few months after the Allied Invasion of Sicily. They surrendered and switched sides because they had no hope of winning. Their cities were getting bombed often, they were losing land and production was slowly exponentially. So they had to switch sides with allies otherwise they would collapse. -
D-Day In Normandy
On a harsh day in 1944, The US releases a seaborne attack in Normandy, France. Germany took over France and D-Day became the largest seaborne attack in the history of mankind. This event is one of the most popular in World War 2. -
Battle of the Bulge
In 1944, Germany launched an attack between Belgium and Luxemburg. The point of this attack was to prevent the allies from using the Port of Antwerp. This is known as the "Battle of the Bulge". This battle lasted till 25th of January 1945. -
Germany Surrenders!
Before Germany surrenders from World War 2. The Russians reach Berlin and Adolf Hitler knew he was losing indefinitely. Adolf Hitler made a hard choice and committed suicide. After a few days. Germany had to unconditionally surrender. Which signed on the 8th of May 1945 at the Headquarters in Northen France. -
Europe celebrates Victory (V.E Day)
Shortly after Germany signs the surrender. The Europe continent decides to celebrate victory as other countries get their land back. All though, despite winning, you will always lose something via yours or not. -
The Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing
It was a peaceful day in Japan. The trees flowing in the wind and Japan being calm. Until the US releases an atomic bomb to nuke Hiroshima. Causing 135,000 casualties. This wasn't the end, On the 9th of August. The US dropped another bomb on Nagasaki which has casualties of 64,000 which may not seem like much, but Nagasaki was a small city. And not forget to mention that in 1945, the population of the world was smaller. So, think about it. This was Japan's last straw. -
Japan Surrenders! (END OF WORLD WAR 2)
Japan surrendered on the 15th of August by Emperor Hirohito, but Japan signed the formal surrender on the 2nd of September. By Japan surrendering, this marked the end of World War 2. But even when the war ends. Buildings have been demolished, people serving your country died, families devastated, environment destroyed. With great power comes great responsibility. -
Allies cross the Rhine
On the 23rd of March 1945, the allies cross the Rhine. Which is a German River. To go inside Germany and into Berlin which means that it's near the end of World War 2. -
Russians reach Berlin
On the 5th of May 1945, Russia (The Red Army) reaches Berlin in Germany. Berlin is the capital of Germany, and this is where Adolf Hitler resides. This battle would be the end of Germany's streak of destroying European countries.