germany invaded poland
the german soviet pack stated that poland was to be patritioned to the two powers enabled germany to attack -
germany invaded france and captured paris
italy attempted to invade france german forced occupied paris unoppesed , the battle of france is also known as the fall of france. -
germany bombed londan
luftwaffe unleashed a medicine bombing compaign aginst londan and britain major cities because theu wanted to target populated areas . -
The united states gave britain war supplies
congress authorized the sale lease,transform or exchange of arms and supplies to any army it provide that the president could ship weapons. -
germany invaded the soviet union
a major battle of germany and the soviet troops in world war ll
the battle was fought in the winter of 1942-1943 gremany surrenderd -
japan bombed pearl harbor
hundreds of japanese fighter planes bombed american naval base at pearl harbor near honolulu,hawaii because they wanted to destroy important american fleet units -
Germany declared war on the U.S
four days after the japenese attack on pearl harbor and the u.s declaration of war aginst because hitler belived it was a oppertuntity to be seized. -
United States declares war on japan and germany
the united states congress declared war upon germany japan attacks pearl habor hours after germany declared war on us -
battle of midway
americans defeated an jappenses fleet on it's way to invade midway island the battle of midway was the turning point of the pacific campaighn -
World war ll allied forces invaded northern france the day on which an important operation is to began or a change to take effect -
us bombed japan
hiroshima was almost destroyed by the frist atomic bomb on augustra alied strength hasted to surrender they dropped five atmoic bombs