World War 2

  • WW1

    The first world war ended with the defeat of Germany.
  • Hitler

    In 1921, Hitler became the leader of the National Socialist party
  • Wall St.

    On Wall Street, the stock market crashed
  • Roosevelt

    Franklin Roosevelt was elected the president.
  • Camp

    The first concentration camp at Oranienburg was opened.
  • Camp

    One of the major camps, Dachau opened by the Nazis.
  • Nazis

    The nazis take Czechoslovakia, sing "Pact of Steel", invade poland, didivded poland with the Soviets
  • Britan & Others

    Nazis invaded Denmark, Norway, France, Britain, and the Netherlands. Bettle of britan started. Roosevelt re-elected president.
  • Continued Chaos

    Roosevelt signed the Lend-lease act. Roosevelt and Churchill announce the Atlantic Charter. Gas chambers started to be of use in Auschwitz. 33,771 were murdered by the nazis at Kiev. Japan bombs pearl harbor nad the US declared war on Japan.
  • Germany

    German forces start to slowly surrender. Soviet tropps catpure many places and fight Germany. Hitler kills himself. First atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima. Second bomb dropped on Japan. United nations develop.