Period: to
the War
Germany attacks the Netherlands
Bombing Rotterdam
The Germans had the power of the Netherlands
First broadcast of Radio Orange (Dutch Radio Station)
The Jews may no longer sell things on the market
Every Dutch people above 15 years had to have an identity
The Jews had to have an seperated identity
The Jews had to register their trade
All the Jews were fired by the government
The Jews may not go to the cinema
The Jews can't go to the cafeés anymore
The Jews were locked in their own neighbourhood
Strike in Amsterdam
The Jews can't go in cafés and restaurants
The Jews had to hand in their radio
The Jews may not go to the parcs and the beaches anymore
The first victims in the gas chamber
The Jews aren't allowed to live in Zaandam anymore, they have to live in Amsterdam
The Germans decide to make extermination camps for Jews in a villa in Germany.
The colony of the Netherlands is conquered.
Jews had to wear a David star
The Jews may not go outside between 20:00 till 6:00
The family Frank are going to submerge in the backhouse in Amsterdam
All universities are closed
Jewish children have to go by train to Poland, and they never came back.
Dutch people had to hand their radio in
The Hunger Winter began
Anne Frank and her Family is arrested
The gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau are destroyed
The Hunger Winter ended
Anne Frank is dead
Adolf Hitler is dead.
The Netherlands is liberated