when hitler came to power
hitler came to power by promiseing everyone that if he wins the war things would be right again and go back to normal -
theinvasion of poland
the invasion of poland was just the start of ww11 hitler decided to invade this place -
the invasion of paris
hitler decided to go after paris because its the capitle of france so hitler would after power -
the battle of london
hitler bombed london to gain power over it because hitler wanted power and london all to him self -
soviet union
this is when the soviet union sidned a nonaggression packed with germany and germay broke it -
battle of pearl habor
the battle of pearl habor is when japaneese soldiers came to hawaii in air crafts and bombed the ships -
us joins
the us decides to help after the bombing of pearl harbor -
d day is when the allied american tried to get back france from germany -