The Start of the War
Germany signs a Pact with Russia called the Nonagression Pact. Which secretly accepts Germanys plan to invade Poland. In return France and England declare war on Germany. -
Period: to
World War 2
Soviet Union Attack on Finland
The Societ Union invades Finland and occupies most of Poland. The war between The Soviet Union and Finland ends in January 1940 with the surrender of Finland -
Germand Invades Norway and Denmark
Germany proceeds to invade Norway and Denmark -
German Invasion of Western Europe
German forces start to Western European Countries. German forces take Netherlands, Belguim, Luexbourg, as well as some parts of norhern France -
Bombings on London
Germany begins to bomb London for 57 consecutive nights till 1941. -
Allience between Germany, Italy, and japn
Germany, Italy, and Japan sign a pact called the Tripartite Pact that make the three countries allie aganist England and France. -
Warsaw Ghetto
More than 400,000 Polish Jew were herded to a part of warsaw called the Warsaw Ghetto. -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese Fighter planes attacked Pearl Harbor in Honolulu Hawaii. A day after the United States Congress declared war on Japan and after two year of conflict the United States joined World War Two -
Internment Camps
The Americn Government forced hunderd of thousands Japanese Americans to relocation camps were it was isolated for everyone else -
Mass Murder
The mass murder of Jew by the use of gas chambers in the month of June at Auschwitzs concentration camps -
The Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto were being deported to concentration camps and the first extermanation camp was opened in Treblinka. -
Nazis kill 33,771 Jews -
Battle pf Stalingrad
German soldiers surrender to the Red Army and turn the tide of war. -
160,000 allied troops strom the heavily fortified beaches of Normandy. -
First Concentarion Camp Liberated
The Soviet Unio liberate the first concentration camp in Majdanek. -
Germany Surrenders
Germany surrenders to the Allies -
The End of Adolf
Adolf Hitler commits suicide -
First Atom Bomb
Atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima -
Second Atom Bomb
The second Atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki Japan -
Japan Surrenders
The Japanese surrenders to the United States and markse the end of the war.